Chapter 95

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I put on my suit. Today, we're going into court. James and Laura said that we should be done, in and out today.

"Emilie! You ready?" I hear Laura call for me.

"Yeah!" I yell.

I fix my cuff links and walk out to the living room where Jackie and Rylie stood.

We all go down to our cars.


"Ok, we're going to go in there. Emilie, you don't answer any questions from any news anchor or paparazzi. James and I will be doing all the questions. If there is anything we need to know, it's now. If someone comes up during the hearing, write it down and show it to one of us and we'll figure what to do," Laura says.

I nod.

I hold Jackie's hand tight and I look at her. Everyone leaves the car so it's just me and her.

"I'm scared," my voice cracks.

"Hey, it's ok. You have two of the best lawyers in the country fighting for you. I'll be right there behind you and so will Rylie. You're not alone," she says taking my face into her hands.

I kiss her and hold her hand tightly. I open the car door and put my arm around her to keep her close as all the news casters and paparazzi try to get me to answer questions and comment on the case. We get into the court house and I find James, Laura, and Rylie.

We walk into the court room and all turn to face us. Jackie and Rylie go sit in the front row behind our desk. James, Laura, and I sit down.

Moments later, Billie walks in with her family, lawyers, manager, and Justin.

They all sit down and the Judge walks in and we all stand up out of respect. We sit down again.

She does the whole introductory speech and then gives Laura and James the floor to present the case.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and gender non-conforming individuals of the jury, I present to you 18 year old world wide sensation, Emilie Stone and her ex-girlfriend Billie Pirate Baird O'Connell. They dated for a few months between a messy break up between the two for still reasons unknown," Laura says.

"For months upon months Miss O'Connell has spread false information about my client, claiming Miss Stone has cheated on her numerous times and has mentally and emotionally abused her. I'm here to tell you, none of that is true," James says.

They walk back to the table.

"Your honor, we would like to call up our first speaker by a close friend of the two," Laura says.

The judge nods.

I see Lauren comes out and says the oath and then sits in the witness box.

"Miss Sanderson, you are a close friend of both Miss Stone and Miss O'Connell correct?" Laura asks.


"How long have you known Miss O'Connell for?" James asked.

"For almost a little over two years. I opened for her brother Finneas when he was on tour back in 2018," Lauren answers.

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