Chapter 90

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"Dude, who is at the door?" Lauren asks coming from my room but she stops when she looks over my shoulder.

"I'm lost," Lauren says.

I cant form any words and just stand there in shock.

flashback; january

As I look up, I see someone who looks just like me. I shake my head and the person was gone.

flashback; march

I sigh and turn off my phone and let it rest in my lap. I rub my face out of frustration and try to keep my breathing even.

I look up from the floor and see the same girl i thought i saw at the airport.

i close my eyes and open them again. She's gone.

emilies pov

"It's you," I say. "From the airport and the hospital. It's you," I say.

She nods.

"My name is Shay and I'm your twin sister," she says.

"Dad has some explaining to do," I say.

I let shay in and we sit on the couch.

"You must be wondering why I'm here, who I really am, and why I have an accent," Shay speaks up.

I nod.

"My full name is Shay Rose Stone. I flew in from England in January right after the grammys after seeing you preform and realizing that we're related and that we have the same face. I called Dad and asked him to fly me out to meet you. That's when you saw me in the airport. Then again in the hospital when I went to go check up on Dad," Shay explained.

"How'd you end up in England?" Lauren asked.

"Emilie was put into the foster care system and I was put up for adoption. A couple from England adopted me right away and went back to England. I grew up there and I'm currently pursuing fashion, like mom," Shay explains, smiling.

I take out my phone and call dad.

"Come to my house. And bring Julian," I say.


"Your mother gave birth to Julian, and you two," Dad explains. "We didn't know that it was twins until after Shay was born and the doctor kept telling Amaya to continue pushing and Emilie was born."

"So shay is older?" I clarify.

Dad nods.

"So I have two younger sisters?" Julian asks.

I nod.

"Hey Shay, do you have anywhere to stay?" I ask.

"Uh I've kind of been living out of a hotel," she tells me.

"Why don't you stay with me?" I ask.

"Really?" Her face lights up.

"Yeah why not?" I laugh.


"Shay! Dinner's ready!" I yell from the kitchen to the bathroom.


I place the plate of stir fry tofu and sautéed vegetables on a mat on the island and I notice a worn out leather journal that was open. I pull it towards me and I read what was written on the open page.

all these months, i've seen you take these pills to make you "better" but, i was really a witness to your murdering yourself with every pill you took. pain is the worst prison, let me help you out of your cell

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