Chapter 78

412 13 11

May 15, 2020

I open the door and Lauren walks in.

"Are the lyrics ready?" I ask as we walk to my room.

"Nope," she says nonchalantly.

"You want to release the song in a month and you still don't have the lyrics ready?" I chuckle.

"I was busy," Lauren said.

"Doing what? Fucking Bry?" I say.

She gets all red and her jaw drops.

"No you did not!" She grabbed a nearby water bottle and throws it at me.

I catch it and start laughing.

"Listen, I get it," I say.

We both sit down on my bed and she grabs a notepad and starts writing.

I grab an electric guitar and plug it into an amp and start working on some solos.


I stop the recording and turn to Lauren.

"It needs the solo," Lauren whines.

"Lucky for you, while you went out to pick up our lunch, I made a solo," I say picking up my fender stratocaster and a pick. I plug the guitar into the 20 watt amp and play the solo.

I finish the solo and I look at Lauren and her jaw is on the floor.

"Hey! Keep it down! I'm cleaning my dentures!" I hear from below me following a thud.

"Sorry!" I yell down.

"I loved that! What the fuck?!" Lauren says.

I smile and sit down at my desk and I add the solo and we finish recording all the vocals.

"Alright send it to me and I'll send it to Grace and get it through marketing," Lauren says.

We walk out to the living room and Dad calls me.

"Hey Dad," I say. Lauren hands me a water bottle.

"Hey Em I have some really good news!" Dad says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I got a role as a doctor on a tv show! We just finished filming the first episode of the new season!" He says.

"That's amazing! What's it called?" I ask.

"Greys Anatomy! It's based off the medical book 'Grays Anatomy'," he says.

"Can I watch the episode?!" I ask.

"Yeah I'll send you the link," he says. My phone dings and I see that it was the link.

"Ok, I got it."

"Ok, watch it and let me know," he says.

"I will."

I click on the link and connect my phone to the tv.

"What you putting on?" Lauren comes from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and sits next to me.

"My dad is part of a cast on a show about doctors. This is a rather new show. This is season 6 I think," I said.

I press play and we watch the new episode.


"That was so sick! It looked so real," Lauren said. I nodded.

Lauren got a text and as she read it, she stood up.

"Everything good?" I ask.

"Bry just texted me that Angel threw up," she said. She grabbed her stuff and gave me a hug before leaving.

About 5 minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"One minute!" I shout from my room.

I walk to the door and open it but there was no one there.

I look around and saw a single diamond earring on the floor.

that isn't mine.

It isn't Laurens or anyone else's. And I'm the only one on this floor so it can't be my neighbor's.

I pick it up and close the door and lock it. I place the earring in my closet incase someone comes looking for it.

I lay down on my bed and before I know it, I was asleep.


I turn on the TV and sit down and the news was on.

"Switching cases, a 32 year old black man, Tyson Martin, was killed by police earlier today in Chicago, Illinois. He was accused of trying to use a fake 100 dollar bill but investigations are going on as we speak. A bystander was able to record a video of the altercation between Martin and the police. Just as a warning, the following video is extremely graphic and hard to watch. Click off if you can't handle it," the newscaster said.

Clips changed to a video recorded on a phone.

"Let him go!" The person recording the video says.

The cop is kneeling on Tysons neck.

"Dude, get off me! I cant fucking breathe!" He pleaded.

The cop ignores Ty and continues to lean on his neck.

Tyson continues to say that he can't breathe and minutes pass.

Another cop hands the first cop a pair of handcuffs to arrest Tyson.

He puts the handcuffs on and gets up and tells Tyson to get up. He doesn't respond.

"I said get up!" The cop said, kicking Tyson. Still no response.

"Oh my god! Stop kicking the man!" The bystander said.

A third cop comes and checks Tyson's pulse and then shakes his head.

The first cop comes up to the bystander and tries to get the phone and that's when the recording ended.

It changes back to the newscasters.

"Police Officers Eric Daniels, Jason Hopkins, and Carl James arrived to a bar after getting a call that someone was trying to use a fake 100 dollar bill to pay a tab at a bar in downtown Chicago. Martin went willingly trying to explain to the officers the situation. They then tried to arrest him where he resisted after pleading that it wasn't a fake 100 dollar bill. They tackle him to the floor and well, we all just saw the clip. Investigators are still trying to figure out if it was actually a fake 100 dollar bill and the cause of death. Martin, close friend of singer/songwriter/producer Emilie Stone has passed away."

no no no no no this can't be happening. no no no no no.

"NO!" I scream. I throw my remote at the TV and it cracks my TV and gets stuck in the screen.

I fall to the floor and curl up into a ball and rock back and forth.

"No no no no no no," I mumble to myself.

"He can't be dead!" I scream again.

Everything goes black for a second and then my eyes open.

I look around and see that it's the middle of the night, I'm in bed. I grab my phone and search up 'Tyson Martin' and no new articles came out.

I let out a sigh of relief.

it was all a dream.

hi just published a new book. called "royal academy". it's basically about greek gods, billie, and yeah. oh and it's g!p. the writing isn't the best but i like it soooo enjoy <3

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