Chapter 107

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I turn and see her now blonde self.

"Hey," I respond. "Love the hair."

She chuckles.


We stood in silence.

"What're you doing here?" She asks.

"Just threw my promise rings into the water since Jackie broke up with me," I say. "You?"

"Wanted to come here to be surrounded by good memories since Drew just broke up with me," Billie says laughing, causing me to laugh.

"You always had the most contagious laugh," I say, looking at her.

"And you always had the most contagious smile," she says.

I laugh.

"Helping people, one by one, right?" I ask, making a reference to her song, You Should See Me In A Crown.

She starts laughing. She crosses her arms and I see she's shivering.

"You're cold?" I ask.

"You're not?!" Billie says.

"I'm from New York, this is warm for me," I say. I see she just smiles and shakes her head.

"Come here," I say, pulling her into my embrace.

I rub her arm, generating heat.

"You're still so warm, a year later," Billie says. I look down at her.

"You don't seem so sad for someone who just got broken up with," I say.

"Neither do you," she combats.

"I was waiting for it so I'm not that hurt," I say. "What's your excuse?"

"Drew and I were just fuck buddies until she kind of caught feelings so we just dated but then Drew realized she liked guys more and here we are," Billie says.

I laugh. "We were all there at one point."

"You need a lift back home?" I ask.

"I kind of got locked out of my house and mom isn't coming back home until tomorrow afternoon since she and dad went with Finn and Claudia to San Diego to see some old relatives," Billie explained.

"And you didn't go?" I ask.

"I did, you're just talking to a hologram," Billie joked. "Eh, I didn't really want to go."

"Do you need somewhere to stay?" I ask.

"I don't want to intrude. I'll probably just crash at Zoe's or something," Billie says.

"No, it's no problem. Plus, you'll finally be able to meet Shay," I say. "So what do you say?"

"Fine," Billie says.

We start walking back to my car, catching up while doing so.


I unlocked the door and walked in. It was around 5:45 now.

"It's still the same," Billie says.

"Yeah, I didn't want to change it," I say. "Make yourself at home. I'll be right back."

I walk into my room and get all of Jackie's bags and start putting her stuff in it. Within about 15 minutes, I was done. I threw all the clothes of mine she wore into laundry. I get her bags and carry them out to the front door and leave it there. I got back into my room and change into black sweatpants with a blue shirt. I take off my shoes and put them back in my closet.

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