Chapter 93

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"Can we talk?"

"Yeah of course."

"What do you want to talk about?" Lauren asks.

"So basically, I was supposed to start college in september for UCLA but, I came to decision I want to step away from the fame. I want Emilie Stone to disappear, so I submitted an application to NYU and I got accepted. I am flying out to New York in September of next year to start school and Emilie Stone will not be seen anywhere for at least the next 4 years. I'll be known as Avery Stone, on everything," I explain.

"Wait so hold on, go back," Lauren says. "You're moving back to New York next year and just disappear? Just like that?"

"It's the only way I'll be able to attend college and stay focused while also maintaining my safety," I explain.

"What about Jackie?" Lauren asks.

"I want to see how long we go on for. We're still only two months into the relationship. If i see we're really going somewhere, I'll talk to her about it and maybe get her to come with me," I say.

"I can't believe I only have you around for just barely over a year. I'm going to miss you," Lauren says.

"It's not then yet, so we still have each other," I say.


"Emilie Stone is mysterious. We were so happy at first, but then it kind of all just fell apart. Yknow? The cheating started, the mental and emotional abuse all started. I knew I had to get out that relationship right away," Billie said.

"I actually have a picture of her and another girl in bed together," Billie shows her phone to the camera.

It wasn't even a real picture. It's a blurry picture and that room looks nothing like my room. Hell the floors the in that picture are wood while mine are concrete.

"I loved that girl but she's psycho," Billie continues to lie.

I slam my laptop shut and go to my contacts list and find James Campbell, my lawyer.

"y'ello?" He picks up.

"James, hey, it's Emilie," I say.

"Emilie! So good to hear from you! Everything good with you?"

"It is except one thing. Have you seen how Billie has been spreading false information about me and our relationship?" I ask.

"Yeah I have," he says, his voice now low.

"Listen, I was to file a law suit for defamation. Can we make it work?" I ask.

"I'll get the paperwork started! But we need a prosecuting attorney, do you happen to know any?" James asks.

"How about Laura Baker?" I ask.

"She's perfect! Alright, just call her and send me her contact information and we can file a lawsuit," James says.

"Ok, thank you so much," I say. He hangs up and I call.

"Laura Baker," she says.

"Mrs. Baker, hey, it's Emilie," I say. "How are you?"

"I'm great Emilie! Haven't spoken to you in so long! How have you been?!" She asks.

"I've been good. Have you seen those videos of my ex going around of her spreading false information?" I ask.

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