Chapter 82

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I crash onto my bed after spending the entire day in the studio with Colson making some songs for his album.

My phone dings.

Instagram Direct Messages


hey, colson told me to dm you about an album i want to make. i was wondering if you could help me write and produce it

i'd love to work with you, i love your music dude

ok great! i'll let my team know. let's start it next week. i'll start brainstorming for now

alright great! just text me when you want to start
Read 11:48 PM

Jackie texts me saying she's coming over.

I go out to the living room and unlock the door so Jackie can come in without me having to get up. I sit down on the couch and I start watching Arrow.

After 15 minutes of waiting, there was a knock on the door.

"It's open!" I shout. The door opens and Jackie comes in.

"Hey," she says, taking her mask off and washing her hands.

"Wassup?" I ask.

"Not much. Missed you though," she said.

I laugh.

"I feel so special," I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up," she roles her eyes. "I'm bored."

"Wanna go to the pier?"

"Yeah I'm down," Jackie replies.


"So what are we going to do here," Jackie asks.

I shrug.

"I like to come here to clear my head and just think," I say.

"What are you thinking about?" Jackie asks, moving closer to me.

"You really wanna know?" I smirk.

"Come on stone, I'm a big girl," Jackie says crossing her arms.

"Fine. I was thinking about you," I say.

Jackie tries to hide her smile, her hair covering her face. Even though it was dark out, I saw the pink tint on her face.

"What exactly were you thinking about?"

I turn towards the ocean, staring out towards the horizon, the moon glistening in the night sky, making the water shine.

I look down and take in that I'm on the beach, feeling the sand shift beneath me.

I look back up at the horizon.

"Everything about you," I say. I turn my head to her.

"Your laugh, your smile, the way your eyebrow twitches when you concentrate, how you fidget with your ear when you're nervous, your little squeal whenever charlie jumps on you or licks your hand. I'm thinking of it all," I finish.

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