The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones

Start from the beginning

"Oh no." Talia warned. "The beast has awoken."

Without any warning, Camilla charged forward towards Ezra with a dangerous growl. Ezra stood up to dodge his sister with a surprise look, but Camilla punched her younger brother right in the gut and knocked him into the ground with a powerful punch to the face. Kirana, Ariana, and Talia stood up to help Kirana on her feet.

"Ezra!" Kirana gasped.

"Ow." Ezra groaned. "That hurt."

"Camilla, what the heck is wrong with you?" Ariana snapped.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt him!" Camilla said as she shook her temper away and stared at her siblings with a scared look on her face. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to!"

"Bro, are you ok?" Talia asked, concerned.

"It's okay, guys. I'm..fine." Ezra groaned.

"We've talked about this over time again, Camilla." Sage said firmly. "Anger is a dangerous ally with the power to cloud your judgement and mind if not used carefully. You must control it before it can control you."

"But mother, I wasn't angry this time." Camilla said. "I'm always determined to win every match."

Ezra, Talia, Ariana, and Kirana gave Camilla skeptical looks as Camilla knows that her siblings weren't clearly buying her words.

"Hey, get it through your thick skulls!" Camilla shouted angrily. "I said I wasn't angry this time!"

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra kept glaring at their hotheaded sister. Camilla groaned in frustration and exited out of the dojo.


Outside, Camilla sat on the edge of the building rooftop and stared at the city with her knees against her chest.

"This always happens to me every time!" Camilla complained. "Those guys always have the nerve to push my limits! But who am I kidding. They'll never understand me."

Suddenly, Camilla heard fighting coming from a nearby alley. She immediately moved to investigate her vigilante friend pounding the life out of the Purple Dragons.

"Well, there goes Casey with his vigilante thing." Camilla thought with a smirk. "Better go help him."

Camilla jumped down and landed her feet next to Casey.

"Hey, Camilla." Casey greeted. "Care to join me?"

"Sure, skull boy." Camilla grinned. "Anything to cure my headache from my siblings."

Casey and Camilla loomed over the helpless Purple Dragons. Before Casey could smash his hockey stick on the street goons, someone managed to sneak up behind him and stopped the vigilante from finishing off the Purple Dragons before disappearing into the shadows. But Camilla had seen him coming that made her to move out of the way.

"Looks like we're not alone here." Camilla said.

Camilla and Casey turned around to the empty alleyway.

"What? Who's back there?" Casey demanded nervously as he drew out his baseball bat. "Show yourself."

That's when the creature stepped out from behind the dumpster and revealed himself as a large green humanoid mutant turtle to the masked vigilante and the red mage kunoichi. The mutant turtle himself has kelly green skin with several scratches and chips on his shell, red mask with long tattered tails, and a pair of sais on his strap belt. He also has the same height and eye color as the red mage kunoichi, who noticed a lightning bolt shaped crack located on the right corner of his plastron.

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