Annihilation Earth (Part 2)

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"Stay strong, Michelangelo." Splinter said as he landed close to Mikey and Talia along with Sage helping them.

"Second wave, attack!" Sage called to the others.

The Mutanimals and the Amazons didn't need any more urging as they were eager to fight these enemies. Pigeon Pete and Amber took action, but they got zapped immediately and landed on the ground. Slash and Samara bolted to their downed teammates while Leatherhead and Mala covered their leaders.

Casey, on the other hand, sprang forward and batted explosive pucks right at the head of a Triceraton. The pucks detonated, but the Triceraton stood his ground with a glare. Casey screamed wildly and whipped his hockey stick around to whack the Triceraton over and over until the Triceraton bashed him aside.

"Casey!" April screamed.

As the Triceraton loomed over Casey, April frantically looked around for a weapon. She spotted a laser cannon on the ground and used it to fire an energy blast right at the Triceraton, who was sent back flying back. Casey went over to help April to her feet.

Mondo sped by on his skateboard with the rollerblading Verona as they ran right into two of the Triceratons with their fists, but they easily got sent back to the ground. The Triceratons turned around and saw the frozen Mondo and Verona. Muckman saw two Triceratons going against Mondo and Verona. Using all his strength, he picked up an overturned car and threw it at the Triceratons that knocked them away Mondo and Verona. Elastika came in and quickly dropped to the floor to create strong drills of hair arise from the ground to attack the Triceratons. Neko flew forward to Mondo and Verona's rescue.

The Turtles, the K-5, Splinter, and Sage battled bravely despite being vastly outnumbered by the Triceratons because more kept beaming down to join the fight. Splinter and Sage saw that the Triceraton scientists were close to completing their task of programming the Heart of Darkness as they were almost ready to deploy the awful weapon.

"They're almost finished with setting up the weapon!" Sage gasped shockingly to Splinter.

"We must stop the black hole generator from being triggered!" Splinter called to the others.

"Slash! Leatherhead!" Leo called to the most powerful mutant fighters as he was busy deflecting laser blasts with his two katana swords. "Take that machine down now!"

"Samara! Mala! Help them out!" Kirana called as she stabbed her tessen into the ground and unleashed a large blue eruption shockwave at the Triceratons.

Leatherhead and Mala hurled themselves at the Triceratons guarding the black hole generator. As they fought, Slash and Samara made their way towards the Heart of Darkness. Slash bashed the weapon with his spiked weapon, leaving Samara knocking one Triceraton out of her way. But two more Triceratons were headed towards Slash and Samara. Rockwell and Whitman saw that their comrades were about to be attacked. Rockwell picked up two cars with his telekinesis and slammed them into one of the Triceratons while the other just kept on going until he used his mutant mind to lift him up and launch her over the building.

"Ha!" Rockwell laughed. "Think you can withstand my vast telekinetic power?"

At that moment, a Triceraton landed right behind Rockwell, who spun around and got his helmet yanked off his head before he can focus his thoughts. Without his helmet, Rockwell couldn't control his telekinetic powers. The Triceraton stomped on the helmet and smashed it to bits.

"You vile, extinct monster!" Whitman cried.

Whitman was so angry she stated hissing like a reptile. In her rage, she launched herself at the Triceraton with her camouflage power, but the triceratop alien knocked her to the ground and tossed a glowing pink pyramid at the two mutants. Rockwell and Whitman stared at the pyramid as it projected a force field bubble that captured and lifted them off the ground. With Leatherhead and Mala are keeping the other Triceraton guards busy, Slash and Samara had fought their way to the black hole generator. No matter how many times Slash slammed his spiked mace and how many times Samara slashed her electrified claws, the metal device had no effect at all. A Triceraton tried to stop Slash and Samara, but they knocked the alien away with their combination attack. From the ground, the Triceraton tossed a glowing pink pyramid toward Slash and Samara. Slash raised his mace to smash it, but the pyramid projected a force field bubble that trapped him and Samara. Leatherhead and Mala saw that their leaders were captured inside the floating bubble. They ran over to the black hole generator and tried to smash it with their tails.

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