"No, it won't. And even if it did, we'll never know the difference." Ariana said with a confident smile.

As Talia's finger pressed the play button, she started dancing by the sound of pop music grooving through her ears.

"This music is blazing!" Talia grinned.

"Okay, that's it. I gotta get out of here." Camilla declared as she began walking toward the fortress exit.

"And where do you think you're going?" Kirana asked as she followed the red mage kunoichi. "In case you haven't noticed, we're grounded."

"Like I care." Camilla scoffed. "I'm going to find something fun in the city before I go nuts."

"And what could be in your mind that you want to do?" Ezra asked.

"Uh, hello, what about mother?" Kirana asked with a serious face as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Because as your leader, no one's going anywhere."

"Well, as your followers, we're going to the city anyway." Camilla argued.

Kirana's eyes widened in surprise when Ariana, Talia, and Ezra started to side with Camilla.

"Besides, mother's asleep and we can get through anything while she's asleep." Ezra said.

"Fine." Kirana replied with a hesitant growl. "But only to lead you three away from trouble."


Outside, the K-5 were rollerblading on the building rooftops.

"Thanks for installing new songs, Ariana!" Talia shouted as she was rollerskating from a rooftop above her siblings.

"What? What new songs?" Ariana asked confusedly. She swiftly jumped up and landed one hand on Talia's head to examine the K-Pod in realization. "Oh my. The advanced chip is automatically upgrading the K-Pod that can add new songs and applications by the minute!"

"But why is that a bad thing?" Ezra asked.

"Because I didn't create nor program it that way!" Ariana said.

"Keep it down, girls." Kirana chided angrily.

Then suddenly, Kirana fell through a skylight that made her younger siblings halted at the edge of the building to watch their oldest sister from below. Kirana fell straight down to the pool full of swimming electric eels and ran down to the building fire escape before falling painfully to the ground with five electric eels attached to her arms, legs, and waist that shocked her to no end. Ariana, Talia, and Ezra felt sorry for her eldest sister sympathetically while Camilla was smirking gleefully as they all looked over the edge of the building.

"Well, that was entertaining, Kirana!" Camilla called.

"Shut up, Camilla." Kirana groaned.

The K-5 finally arrived at the movie theater. Before the siblings could have fun, Ezra saw someone from his view.

"Afraid movie time will have to wait." Ezra said.

Ariana followed his glance and saw the person.

"Who the heck is that woman?" Ariana asked.

Kirana, Camilla, and Talia followed Ariana's gaze to see an African woman walking from the other side of the TCRI building. She has short black wavy hair, waxy black skin, and a grey rhombus-shaped birthmark on her left eye. She wore a silver metallic qipao dress with black skintight leggings and a pair of silver metallic combat boots.

"I don't know, but she needs a beat down." Camilla said with a sly grin.

"Hold on, Camilla. We don't know that she's gonna do anything wrong." Kirana refused. "Besides, it's my call. I decide who gets a beat down."

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