"Mother?" Kirana gasped quietly. "Is that really you? Because I think I'm seeing things."

"You are not seeing things, Kirana." Sage spoke as she levitated forward in front of Kirana. "As a master mage, we reincarnate into any animal that fits our spiritual energies to merge with the whole world of life as one in all of the universe when we past into death. Even with you, my daughter."

"My siblings and I can't move on without you, mother." Kirana murmured. "We miss you just like we miss our father and Ezra misses his father."

"You must, Kirana. You are the leader of the Magnolia Clan now. Your sisters need you. Your brother needs you. Kuro needs you. Even Leonardo needs you." Sage said. She narrowed her eyes with a firm face. "Shade is still alive."

Kirana's eyes widened wide in shock and she clenched her fists tightly.

"No. It can't be." Kirana said with narrow eyes.

"You must end this battle, Kirana." Sage said. "Only you and your siblings can end this war. And just like your father, I believe in you and your siblings."

With that, Sage transformed back into a mystical dragon and soared high into the sky with a loud roar.

Kirana looked up at the sky as her eyes glowed bright blue. She knew that Lady Shadestrike must be destroyed and avenge her mother once and for all.


Back in New York City, the K-5 sisters wore white knee-length dresses while Ezra wore a white ninja outfit with gold dragon patterns as they visited Kuro at the hospital. They looked at their brother in his hospital bed. He was suffering numerous cuts and bruises, but they know that he will eventually recover back to health.

"Kuro? Kuro? Wake up." Talia spoke.

Kuro opened his eyes to see his four sisters and younger brother smiling at him. Kirana's dress has long sleeves that form a triangle-like shape across the back of her hand. Camilla's dress has slightly off-the-shoulder with long sleeves. Ariana's dress has long poet sleeves. Talia's dress has three-quarters length sleeves. And Ezra's ninja outfit was white with a golden dragon on his back and two small golden dragons on the side.

"Hey." Ezra said, with a smile.

"We're here for you, bro." Camilla said.

"Oh, trust me, I've been in much worse times than this." Kuro smirked.

"How you feeling, Kuro?" Ariana asked gently.

"I'm getting better." Kuro replied with a smile. But his smile has changed into a sad frown. "Our mother's gone, isn't she?"

The K-5 turned away from Kuro with solemn looks.

"I felt her aura disappearing during my sleep." Kuro said. He closed his eyes shut while fighting his tears. "I can't believe she's gone."

"It's true, Kuro, I'm so sorry." Kirana said as she placed a comforting hand on Kuro's shoulder.

"Listen, Kuro, we both know that Shade is still alive. Samara told us that you found the location to her hideout." Camilla said.

"Can you tell us where she is?" Ezra asked.

"We need to know before Lady Shadestrike comes after you and our friends." Talia said.

"I wanted to help bring that witch down, but now I can't in this condition." Kuro answered. "Shade's hideout is 20 miles north from this city."

"Got it." Ariana said as she took out her K-Phone and began typing the location on the screen.

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