Beware of Sapphire

Start from the beginning

"Who are those crazy twins?" Ezra asked.

"The Wuju Twins." Casey said grimly. "Those chicks are up to no good again."

"So much for not hitting people tonight." Kirana said with a firm look.

"Let's do this!" Camilla shrugged with a wide grin.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra casted their magic to change into their mage kunoichi and mage ninja attire. Casey puts on his mask and took out his baseball bat. Together, they rushed into the restaurant in offensive stances.

"Let the man go now." Kirana ordered.

"Or else." Camilla said threateningly.

The Wuju Twins spun around to glare at the K-5 and Casey Jones.

"Oh, great." Juni groaned. "You guys again! Juli, looks like we're up for round 2."

"Indeed, Juni." Juli agreed. "Let's do this."

The Wuju Twins charged forward to fight against the K-5. Juni ran across the counter towards Ariana with a swift punch, but Ariana dodged out of the way as Talia leapt over the purple mage kunoichi's shoulders and delivered a few strong air kicks that sent Juni flying into the wall. Juni got up and grabbed a knife as he was heading towards Ezra with an evil smirk. Ezra gasped and moved his hand up.

"Get away from me!" Ezra warned.

Suddenly, a teal whiff of magic knocked Juni back and knocked her to the wall again. Ezra widened his eyes in shock and looked at his hands. He quickly snapped out of it and summoned his lightning magic to continue fighting. Norbit managed to get Murakami out of the restaurant, safely. Kirana charged forward towards Juli and jumped over to kick her in the back that sent Juli straight at Casey, who swung his baseball bat a couple times until Juli fell on the floor unconsciously. As the Wuju Twins swiftly got back up on their feet, Kirana was left against them. The blue mage kunoichi delivered the twins with several powerful punches and kicks until her left boot pushed Juni to the floor and her right boot pushed Juli against the wall by the neck. As Kirana was ready to deliver a final blow with her fist, she saw Juli clenching his eyes tight for her doom. Kirana became hesitated for a moment and then released Juli from her boot.

"Leave now." Kirana warned. "Or there's plenty more beating coming at your way."

Juli stared at Kirana in surprise and went to help Juni on her feet.

"C'mon! We're outta here!" Juli said to Juni. She turned back to the K-5 and pointed her index finger at Kirana. "This isn't over!"

Then, the Wuju Twins exited the restaurant.

"What the heck was that? You just let her go?" Camilla shouted as she walked over to Kirana.

"They weren't exactly a threat, Camilla." Kirana said with a stern face. "And for your information, they had enough."

"And in case you haven't noticed, they were beating up a blind guy!" Camilla yelled. "Now, they'll think we're chumps with no strength to finish what we've started!"

Kirana glanced away from Camilla with a firm look on her face. Ezra looked at his hands curiously but he looked away.

"Wow!" Casey cheered as he and Norbit was helping Mr. Murakami off the floor. "We totally kicked their butts!"

"Yeah, we did!" Ariana said with a smile.

"Thank you for helping me. As a token of my gratitude, allow me to make you a free meal." Mr. Murakami offered.

"We can live with that." Ezra said.

"What is your favorite dish?" Mr. Murakami asked.

"Pizza, please!" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia and Ezra answered together with excitement.

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