The Forgotten Mage

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Kirana swiftly moved behind Camilla and poked one of Camilla's pressure points on her neck, causing the red mage kunoichi to fall straight to the ground with a paralyzed, twitching look on her face. Nixie, Norbit, Ezra, Talia, and Ariana looked at the blue mage kunoichi in shock.

"Alright, fine. C'mon, Talia." Camilla groaned as she got up from the floor.

"Remember, only use stealth and recon." Kirana said.


Outside, Kabocha was travelling on the rooftops in the air while surrounding Kuro and Gumko with its tentacles in fast speed. She saw one Shadow Ninja heading into a car and drove away to the street, making the pumpkin creature follow the vehicle until she finally tracked down the car entering the warehouse. Kabocha released Kuro and Gumko on the rooftop ledge as she landed on her tentacles behind them.

"Well, look what we got here." Gumko said, pointing his finger down at the warehouse. "It's not easy keeping those fools in line these days."

"That's why they need strong leaders to guide them on rebuilding the Shadow Clan." Kuro said with a hardcore look on his face. "They're waiting on who they can mess with."

Kuro, Gumko, and Kabocha quietly snuck into the warehouse, where they saw the Shadow Ninjas talking to each other while surrounding the car. When Kuro, Gumko, and Kabocha stepped into the spotlight, the Shadow Ninjas got into their fighting stances.

"Well then, where do you traitors want me to break first?" Kuro called out.

"You are not worthy to be our master of the Shadow Clan." One Shadow Ninja spoke.

Kuro narrowed his eyes and jumped high in the air as he extended his hand forward and created a multitude of fists composed of dark energy to attack the Shadow Droids. Gumko thrusted his hands forward and shot numerous pumpkin orbs that surrounded the Shadow Ninjas, causing the pumpkins to explode that knocked the mage kunoichis down to the ground. Kabocha released her vine-like appendages to strike at the Shadow Ninjas one by one. Gumko and Kabocha walked over to Kuro as they stared at the downed Shadow Ninjas lying unconscious on the floor.

"They're not worthy of the Shadow Clan material." Kuro commented.

Suddenly, Kuro gasped sharply when he felt a pink aura hiding in the shadows.

"Someone's here." Kuro said.

Kuro, Gumko, and Kabocha came together in a defensive huddle as they looked around to the darkness.

"Bring it on and I'll blow them up." Gumko smirked.

Kuro closed his eyes and concentrated on the pink aura moving swiftly throughout the darkness.

"This aura feels very familiar." Kuro said to Gumko. His eyes quickly widened wide in shock. "Oh no."

Suddenly, Gumko and Kabocha got hit to the ground by a large pink energy beam.

"Gumko! Kabocha!" Kuro shouted.

Kuro looked around to see the attacker stepping into the light that made him growl under his breath. The attacker was a female teenage mage. She had a curvy yet athletic build with tan skin, bob-cut platinum-blonde hair, deep periwinkle eyes, glossy red lips, and thick dark lashes varnished in mascara. She wore a thigh-length strapless light pink glittery leotard under a bell sleeved brilliant red bolero, white-and-pink-striped leggings, and hot pink wedged heeled boots. She also held a giant pink metallic lollipop-shaped staff in her hand.

"Konnichiwa, Kuro." A female mage greeted with a cocky smile.


Meanwhile, Camilla and Talia raced across the rooftops with enhanced jumps as they were trying to find the mage mutants heading to Shade's old lair.

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