"We knew you could do it!" Kirana cheered.

"You go, girls!" Camilla and Talia applauded.

"All right! Oh, yeah, celebration time!" Mikey cheered.

"Congrats, girls." Raph smiled.

"You three deserve it." Leo grinned.

"You three did great." Donnie praised.

"You three did awesome." Ezra smiled.

"Thanks, guys!" April said. She hugged Donnie with a happy smile that left him in a brief daze. "You're the best!"

"Thanks, you guys!" Vee said. She hugged Ezra and gave him a kiss on the cheek with a happy smile that made Ezra blush with a happy smile.

"You guys are the best!" Macey said with a happy smile.

"We're so proud of you, girls!" Ariana grinned excitedly as she hugged her mutant turtle friend, her half wolf mutant friend, and her redheaded friend. "You're now one of us!"

"Thanks, Ariana. I would never have gotten to be a kunoichi without you and your sisters' help." April said as she hugged Ariana back.

"Thank you, Ariana." Vee smiled as she hugged Ariana back.

"Thanks, Ariana." Macey added as she hugged Ariana back as well.

Raph and Donnie picked up April with their hands as they threw her up into the air while April smiled happily. Norbit and Ezra picked up Vee and Macey with their hands as they threw them up into the air while Vee and Macey smiled happily. Casey, Leo, Mikey, Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia cheered for the turquoise masked turtle, the red haired friend, and their half wolf mutant friend.

"Cowabunga!" Mikey shouted happily.


"My siblings and I are very proud of our friends; Venus, April, and Macey." Kirana summarized. "They have finally been promoted to kunoichis with a ceremonial Shikomizue, Tanto, and Kusarigama. But now, my mother Sage was ready to perform a very special initiation as well during the night of the full moon."


In the Crete Fortress; Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia knelt their knees in a line in front of Sage. Ezra kneeled behind his sisters with a smile on his face. The mage siblings are now wearing different kunoichi and ninja outfits. Kirana wore a metallic black full-body armor beneath her blue midriff-bearing cropped top with long sleeves that formed a triangle-like shape across the back of her hand, blue armored mini-skirt with dark blue tights, and black knee-high boots. Camilla wore a metallic black full-body armor beneath her red midriff-bearing cropped top with long sleeves that formed a triangle-like shape across the back of her hand, red armored mini-skirt with dark red tights, and black knee-high boots. Ariana wore a metallic black full-body armor beneath her purple midriff-bearing cropped top with long sleeves that formed a triangle-like shape across the back of her hand, purple armored mini-skirt with dark purple tights, and black shin-high boots. Talia wore a metallic black full-body armor beneath her orange midriff-bearing cropped top with long sleeves that formed a triangle-like shape across the back of her hand, orange armored mini-skirt with dark orange tights, and black ankle-high boots. And Ezra wore a metallic black armor under a teal long sleeved shirt with a turquoise line at the bottom, teal knee pads with a turquoise circle in the middle of both pads, and black combat boots.

April, Casey, Macey, Norbit, and the Turtles were standing on the dojo exit with smiles on their faces.

"My daughters." Sage spoke.

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