Invasion Of The Punkz Catz

Start from the beginning

Ezra and Norbit quickly left the house to search for Talia.


In the woods, Talia walked her trail in the woods through the night. She was still sad but angry about how she feels that she isn't appreciated enough by her three older sisters. Especially Camilla the most. So what if Camilla gets annoyed by Talia the most or Camilla teases her a lot, she really wished that she was close to her older sister more often.

"I'll show them." Talia grumbled. "Always bossing me around. I'm gonna go somewhere where I'm appreciated."

Suddenly, Talia got kicked by someone. It was a female orange cat-like mage mutant. She has a slender figure and a fair complexion with glittering blue eyes and long strawberry-blonde hair tied into two pigtail braids with bangs on the right side of her forehead and a dusting of freckles on her cheeks. She also wore an orange and black bodysuit with a black shoulder armor that goes up to her neck, long fingerless orange gloves, and large orange boots.

"Whoa! A mutant!" Talia gasped.

"A human?" A cat mage mutant said with a grin. "Purrfect for my training moves."

The cat mutant charged forward to deliver a swift kick at Talia, who dodged the attack in quick seconds. Talia immediately jumped slightly and swung her leg in a wide-arced kick. The cat mutant started to swing her claws furiously and tries to scratch Talia in rapid succession, but the orange mage kunoichi kept dodging each claw attack until she threw out an orange crescent-shaped wave of sound energy with a quick arm motion to the cat mutant until the creature was finally defeated.

"What's your deal, kitty?" Talia snapped.

"That was a test obviously." The cat mutant replied coolly. "My name is Cynthia. And I see you've got some totally sweet ninja skills."

"Of course I do. I'm a mage kunoichi, kitty." Talia said with a bragging smile. "They call me Talia."

"Can you show me some ninja stuff?" Cynthia asked excitedly.

"Sure." Talia said with a nod. "Only if you can teach me about her cat-like reflexes."

"Come on, Talia, I'll take you to our cat fortress." Cynthia said. "It's pretty much the coolest place in the known universe."

"Lead the way, Cynthia." Talia said happily. "The two of us will start an awesome friendship."


In the forest, Ezra and Norbit were searching for Talia. Ezra had a flashlight in his hands and Norbit shined a light from his hand.

"Talia. Talia, where are you?" Norbit called out.

"Talia!" Ezra called out. "I hope she's alright. The others were very mean to her."

"Including Mūn. Their yelling has made Talia feel upset." Norbit said.

"But Talia's never run away from home before and it's dangerous here at night." Ezra sighed.

"Talia is a mage kunoichi who is capable of taking care of herself. She will be fine." Norbit said. "But I do need to recharge for the night."

"Yeah, let's set up a camp." Ezra agreed.

Ezra used his magic to create an RV, a cooler, and a campfire.

"That was satisfying." Norbit said.

"It just needs a protection spell." Ezra added.

Ezra turned around and casted a protection spell around their campsite and themselves.

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