Annihilation Earth (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, Norbit, Kale and Domino gathered behind Leia as they collectively stared at a light green spray paint message on a brick wall that wrote a particular address for them.

"What's that?" Domino asked. "Some sort of address on this planet?"

"It is." Kale replied.

"In New York alleys, there's always something written on the wall." Camilla said.

"K-5, Meet me at the warehouse at the Corsa Avenue. Midnight." Kirana said as she examined it more closely.

"I know exactly where it is." Talia said.


Just before midnight, the K-5 arrived at the address written on the alley wall: Corsa Avenue. It turned out to be a brand new warehouse that was built two months ago. The K-5, Norbit, Leia, Kale, and Domino hopped out of the Sonicruiser in silence. They looked around, but the area was completely empty in the distance.

"You do realize that we're walking into a trap, Kirana." Camilla growled. "I still think this is a bad idea for us to do this."

"Look, something's up, Camilla." Kirana said firmly. "And we're gonna find out what."

Talia looked up at the warehouse and quickly realized something.

"Hey, wait a minute. I just realized something. This is the same warehouse where we fought Shade's mage mutants when Kuro was still brainwashed from mind worm collar." Talia said to the team. "But there's a back door in this place. Follow me."

Talia hurried around the corner of the new warehouse as Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Ezra, Norbit, Leia, Kale, and Domino followed the orange mage kunoichi.

Once inside, the K-5, Norbit, Leia, Kale, and Domino made their way to hide on the second floor as they snuck deeper into the warehouse until the mysterious female driver had arrived. She haven't noticed them for a second from the first warehouse floor. The woman has a blue ponytailed hair and neon pink eyes. She wore a skintight blue leotard with an open back and a small black tie attached to the front, black tights, a pair of black fingerless gauntlets, and white combat boots. Also, she still has black sunglasses on her eyes.

As the team crept closer, Kirana held her finger to her mouth to signal the others to keep silent and gave Leia a "You Know What to Do" look on her face. Leia understood with a nod and her clenched fist engulfed in dark energy. Leia silently leaped forward and attacked the woman with a dark energized fist, but the Kraang android leaned back and dodged the attack smoothly as she swept her leg around to kick Leia that send her flying to the wall.

"So much for the element of surprise!" Camilla hissed to the team.

Now that Leia tried to do a surprise attack and got hurt, the K-5 had no choice but to jump in and help their friend.

Camilla got to the Kraang android first by rapidly delivering with a flurry of red energy punches, but her gauntlet skills proved no match for the Kraang android. With ease, the Kraang android fired a neon pink X-shaped energy at the red mage kunoichi from both of her hands that took Camilla down.

"Please, don't do this." The Kraang android warned.

But Talia was already leaping toward the Kraang android by charging forward first to curl herself into a ball as her whips covered her in sharp spikes and rolled forward to attack the woman, who instantly grabbed the whip and moved it around to slam the orange mage kunoichi mercilessly into the ground before releasing Talia's weapon.

Kirana's concern eyes saw her youngest sister hurt by that attack and she drew her twin tessen to charge in to attack. But the Kraang android moved so fast that Kirana couldn't get anywhere near her with her tessen.

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