The Manhattan Project (Part 1)

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"Okay, here's what I discovered." Ariana explained as she pointed her finger to numerous circles of the city on the computer display. "When I was graphing the earthquake epicenters, they all occurred in an unusual pattern. Not random at all. I believe there's some kind of tech that's causing the quakes."

"Do you guys wonder who has that kind of technology?" Camilla questioned.

"There's only one guess on who it could be." Ezra rephrased.

"The Kraang." Talia gasped.


In the dojo, Kirana found Sage meditating under the tree and knelt her knees next to her mother.

"Mother, my siblings and I got into a fight with the Shadow Clan." Kirana said. "And I tried to tell Kuro that you were his mother. I'm sorry, but I thought if he knew the truth he will join over to our side."

"Your heart is in the right place, Kirana." Sage said calmly as she opened her eyes and placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "It's time for him to know the truth."

"You should also tell the others, mother." Kirana suggested. "We can't keep this a secret from them. They have to know too."

With a heavy sigh, Sage agreed.


An hour later, Kirana's younger siblings have gathered together in the dojo and sat on their knees to listen what Sage have to say to them.

"This is difficult for you all, but it's time you four should know the truth." Sage said. "The son I had thought I had lost in the fire, Shori, is actually Kuro. I thought he had perished out of my sight, but Shade stole Shori away from me and raised him as her son. She turned him into a deadly Shadow Clan assassin to finish me off."

Sage's words left Ezra, Talia, Camilla, and Ariana shock in disbelief.

"What?!" Ezra gasped.

"So, all this time Kuro is our long-lost brother?" Talia asked in shock.

"But what can we do?" Camilla asked. "There's no way he's going to come with us that easily."

"Yeah, what if he doesn't come to our side?" Ariana agreed.

"There is good in his heart. I've felt it when I fought Lady Shade during the Kraang invasion." Sage said, looking at old family photo of her with her husband, son, and daughters. "He must know the truth before it's too late."


Meanwhile, Kuro have gathered Galva, Masque, Donna, and the Shadow Sirens in the throne room for Lady Shade's arrival.

"What's taking mother so long?" Kuro said impatiently. "She should've been back hours ago with her new secret weapon."

"I heard it is a new mutant." Masque said.

"I also heard that she's a mage with the arts of Taekwondo." Donna said.

"All I know is that she's deadly assassin." Galva said. "The Kraang turned her into a mutant when she was a teenager years ago."

"And she lost her left eye against the Kraang and gained a miniaturized engine as a replacement for her left eye." Kale added. "With that, it can enhance her fighting potential and emitted amazing speed, strength, and quicker reaction time."

"Truly fascinating." Amora grinned.

Suddenly, a squad of the Shadow Droids marched into the throne room and lined themselves up in two rows. Kuro, Galva, Masque, Donna, and the Shadow Sirens did the same. Everyone bowed their heads and Lady Shade walked into the throne room, but she paused to look at Scarlett's new appearance.

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