The Hearts Of Evil

Start from the beginning

"Faithful followers, for Kavaxas to resurrect the great Shredder and Shade, we must obtain one final item: their hearts!" Tigress announced.

"Funny. I didn't think they even had a heart." Talia remarked with a smile.

Camilla snickered quietly under her breath for Talia's remark.

"I have already sent Zeck and Steranko to find Shredder's heart as well as Tigress's comrades to find Shade's heart." Tiger Claw said.

"If they fail me, I will have both of their souls." Kavaxas said dangerously.

"You mean, if they fail me, Kavaxas." Tiger Claw corrected.


Kirana and Ariana continued running on the building rooftops to follow Crystallia in her black van.

"Okay, now we know what they're looking for something weird and totally gross, but we have to stop them." Kirana said through her K-Phone.


Jinx raced across the rooftops until she saw Kuro and Zack riding a motorcycle below at the corner of her eyes.

"Hey, Crystallia, go for the heart. I gotta take care of two boys targeting me." Jinx spoke through her ear communication device.

Jinx jumped high in the air and turned around to shoot out a powerful blast of pink lightning-like energy at the boys, exploding the motorcycle that made Kuro and Zack fly in the air. But Zack's legs changed into a ghost tail and flew forward to catch Kuro in his arms at extremely high speeds before landing on his human legs and put him down on his feet.

"Thanks, Zack. Let's go." Kuro said.

With that, Kuro and Zack sped after Jinx in extreme speed. Jinx had spotted Ezra and Nixie flying in the air and shot a pink lightning bolt at the teal mage ninja, but Nixie created a cerulean force field shield to protect themselves from the blast in the nick of time.

"Nice save." Ezra said.

"I love my magic." Nixie chuckled.

With that, the two young sorcerers continued to fly over the van in speed.


Crystallia stopped the black van and parked the vehicle next to the warehouse apartment building.

"Tigress, this is Crystallia. I've found the location of Shade's heart. That Onyx has it with her." Crystallia reported through her ear communicator.

"Get in there and retrieve it." Tigress said from her bracelet-like communicator. "Make sure Jinx assists you on your mission."


Ezra and Nixie landed on a next door rooftop and set their gliders aside before they looked down in search of Jinx and Crystallia.

As Kirana and Ariana both finally arrived to Crystallia's destination, they saw a familiar warehouse apartment building right in front of them. Ariana heard a call from her K-Phone and answered it.

"Guys, the place was Onyx's lair the whole time." Ezra said from his K-Phone. "That's where Shade's heart is."

"Onyx's place?" Ariana asked in surprise. "It makes perfect sense for that black widow to want it."

Kirana sensed a familiar incoming aura coming around the area. She pointed her finger to the rooftop building in front of her that made Ariana follow the finger to see Jinx leaning on the rooftop ledge.

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