Earth's Last Stand

Start from the beginning

"Tell them, Valina." Domino spoke firmly. "I can sense you need to tell them what I saw in your memories."

Valina didn't seem angry about Domino exploring her memories, but she knew that she had a confession to make.

"Do you have something to tell us, Valina?" Norbit asked.

"Alright, I should have told you from the start when I saved you all from the artificial black hole." Valina said.

"What are you talking about, Valina?" Camilla asked.

"You see, the truth is...I was the one who had created the Cosmo Escalation." Valina explained.

"What?" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Domino gasped in disbelief.

"You invented it?" Norbit exclaimed.

"No way!" Ezra shouted.

"But why?" Rosetta asked with a yell.

"When my old friend Zayton Honeycutt had developed the Black Hole Generator as an energy source and gave it to the Kraang for money to finance his research, I became very horrified after he told me that terrible decision he had made." Valina explained as she couldn't look at her friends in the eye. "I searched far beyond the cosmos to collect magical relics and constructed them into three powerful talismans. Neither Kraang Subprime nor his Kraang allies knew my work, but I was trying to set things right for Honeycutt and I'm truly sorry about all of this. I understand if you're furious for keeping this away from you all."

"We're not." Domino said.

"What?" Valina said with a surprising face.

"We know you're trying to make up for his mistakes." Kirana said.

"Also, you did save our lives and we're truly grateful for that." Ariana said.

"And you've done so many things for us that we can't thank you enough for." Ezra said.

"You've reunited me with my son. That's something I can thank you all the time." Rosetta said.

"You are our friend and we would do the same for you." Norbit said.

"Yeah, your heart is in the right place." Camilla smiled.

"It's your choice and it's never too late to do what's right." Talia said with a positive grin.

Valina blinked as she couldn't believe what she was hearing and finally smiled softly at her team.

"Thank you, everyone." Valina said with a nod.

Suddenly, the starship's alarm sounded the room. Two red Levians popped up a display that indicated a Triceraton flagship on the screen.

"It's the Triceratons!" Valina gasped with a shocking face. "They're on their way towards Earth and they had just reached to Mars! To your stations now!"

Domino, Ariana, Talia, Norbit, and Camilla obeyed as they sat to their stations. But Kirana quietly walked out of the main room as she already had her own plans in mind on the ruthless Triceratons. Unaware to her, Ezra quietly followed his eldest sister.


Meanwhile, the Cristallums airship soared into the Milky Way Galaxy through the solar system.

"We must hurry." Erin said firmly. "We must get to the Earth before the Triceratons."

"Captain Erin, the Nexus has approach into the Solar System." One of the Cristallum soldiers spoke.

"Where are they?" Erin asked.

"They just headed past Saturn fast." The Cristallum solider replied.

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