"Are you sure that's a good idea, Sandra?" Ariana asked. "The Shadow Clan are not that easily fooled."

"I'm sure, Ariana." Sandra said reassuringly as she put on her mask. "I'll send you important intel through text when they tell me their next mission. See ya around."

Sandra sprang high in the air out of sight.

"Feels like the Shadow could do something else that's bad." Ezra thought. "But what?"


In the Crete Fortress, the K-5 reported their mission to Sage in the dojo. But their mother wasn't looking very proud by her daughters' mission in the city.

"It's somewhat suprising you all have took down much of the Shadow Clan without any problem." Sage said firmly.

"But how's that a bad thing?" Camilla asked.

"Because you all can't afford to be complacent about your missions." Sage replied with narrow eyes. "Each of you has become dependent on your own powers. But there are times when you may not be able to fight with your powers. And when that happens, you must adapt to your environment for a kunoichi."

"So, what can we do?" Kirana asked.

"To embrace the unfamiliar, switch elemental magic!" Sage instructed.

The K-5's eyes widened in surprise as they knew that they have never trained with each other's magic before. But they hesitantly obeyed their mother as they gathered together in a circle to perform a spell.

"Suitchi pawā." Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra chanted.

At their words, five colorful auras rose out of the mages' bodies and zoomed through each other. Kirana got Camilla's fire magic, Camilla got Ezra's lightning magic, Ariana got Talia's air magic, Talia got Kirana's water magic, and Ezra got Ariana's earth magic.

"Cool! I got Kirana's magic!" Talia smiled as she summoned a stream of water with the wave of her hands.

"Now, face each other." Sage instructed again.

The K-5 got into their new fighting stances as Kirana and Camilla faced each other while Ariana and Talia faced each other, leaving Ezra to face his mother.

"Hajime!" Sage ordered.

The K-5 dashed toward each other, but they all are having trouble with their switched magic. Ariana created a soft whirlwind under her legs to float slowly and got tangled herself up with a tornado. Ezra formed a wall made of earth on the floor and got himself slammed hard to the ceiling. Talia created a barrier of water that surrounded her body, but she ended up enveloping in water and held in her breath. Kirana was having trouble extending a small ball of fire in her hands and ended up caught in an unexpected explosion. And Camilla formed to balls of lightning but it shocked herself to much.

"Yame." Sage ordered. "Learning this lesson will teach you about resourcefulness and versatility. As from now on, you four will continue to fight this way."

Then, Sage walked toward her room.

Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra got up from the floor. Talia dropped the water barrier and fell on the floor to catch deep breaths. Kirana instantly fell to the floor and groaned in pain after the wall dropped down to the ground.


In the living room, the K-5 are still working on understanding how their new magic develop. Talia shaped a small ball of water into any form with her hands. Ezra summoned two long plant vines come out of his palms and began lashing at the wall. Ariana moved her hands to create a miniature tornado without losing control. Kirana created a red-orange fireball in between her hands. Camilla created a zap of lightning from her fingers.

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