"Going off alone with a bum arm was a bad idea, Kirana." Camilla said.

"No, it's exactly what I need." Kirana said firmly. "What we all need. We're so caught up in K-Phones and TV that we've become at odds with nature. A true mage kunoichi or ninja must become one with it to master themselves."

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra looked at each other as they knew that they have been so immersed in the use of technology and attended to personal matters that they've neglected to find their attunement with the natural world.

"She's not lying." Camilla and Ariana admitted.

"Mother would've told us the same thing." Ezra added.

"Then, it's settled." Kirana said. "We'll do three days of meditation and practiced awareness in the wilderness, only eating what we can forage."

"Three days? You're kidding, right?" Talia complained.

"You girls are gonna live like animals." Mūn said. "I think Kirana might've taken one too many kicks to the head."

"No, Kirana's right." San said. "This trip is for them only."

"Camping's a great idea." Coral agreed. "I'll pack you five lunches for your trip."


In the house, Coral was making lunch bags along with San and Mūn in the kitchen. Talia opened the freezer and found Pink Hallow giving his owner a soft hug for support.

"Ah, thanks for the hug, Pink Hallow." Talia smiled. "I'm sure gonna miss you while I'm out there getting all natured up."

Pink Hallow gave Talia a thumb-up as a response.


In the living room, Ariana frowned as she was gazing at the picture of Coral and Sage with Kirana and Ezra.

"I really miss mom." Ariana sighed disappointingly. "We're all going to get in tune with nature while our mom is lost back in the city."

Ezra looked down in sadness for a brief moment.

"We have to learn to stay strong for our mother." Kirana said firmly. "We all need to leave our worries and fears behind."

Ariana sighed again as she looked back at the picture.


At the attic, Ezra gathered up the last bit of his things to put in his backpack. He picked up his scrapbook and stopped to look at a picture of a five year old him and Sage making pancakes together. Ezra sighed sadly before he closed the book and placed it inside his bag.


Ezra gasped in fright and turned around to see nobody there. Suddenly, he heard bombing and explosion sounds in his head. He grunted in pain as he was stuck in his trance, making him hold his head with his hands in pain. Ezra heard the sounds getting worse and he could hear people screaming in terror. His eyes faintly glowed white, but he banged his fists to the floor to wash away his pain. Ezra's eyes went back to normal and he was panting as he recovered quickly.

"Ezra!" Camilla called out. "Almost ready?"

"Yeah, Cam!" Ezra responded. "I'll be out in a second."

Ezra sighed and felt completely better after calming down. He grabbed his backpack and walked down the stairs.


After waving their robot friend, aunt, and their cousins goodbyes, the K-5 started to move through the forest on the expedition for their mage ninja training.

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