Deep Within The Woods

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That's when Coral walked outside in a calm manner and saw her daughters brawling each other recklessly, causing her to walk over.

"Enough!" Coral shouted firmly. "You girls are acting like a bunch of wild animals fighting for food."

"One of us might need food after this." Ezra whispered to Norbit.

"No, we're not, mom." San replied happily.

"That's why it's called training." Mūn added gloomily. "Things are just kind of tense lately."

"We're all just a little frustrated, Aunt Coral." Camilla agreed. "No offense, but my siblings and I don't belong in your home. We belong in the Crete Fortress in New York."

"Okay, this place may not entirely accurate but it's fine for now." Ariana admitted.

"Yeah, but like Mother would say, we must accept the hand that the universe has dealt us." Talia said, mimicking her mother's voice to honor her wisdom.

"Wow, that's deep." San and Mūn said softly.

"Mother's gone, Talia, and Kirana may never wake up." Camilla commented. "The universe dealt us a terrible hand."

Frustrated, Camilla stomped back into the house, leaving her family watching her sadly for the loss of Sage as they looked at each other with concerned faces.


Back in the house, Camilla was still keeping her eyes over Kirana as she was waiting for her older sister to wake up while her family was chilling downstairs to watch Talia's new favorite yet addiction show: Fujita Des Cartes, which features a group of four playing card-themed superheroines battling creepy robotic golems. But the family entertainment was cut short when they heard Camilla shouting from above.

"Guys! Get up here! Now!" Camilla shouted.

Ariana, Talia, and Ezra immediately ran upstairs and entered the pool room to see their oldest sister has woken up from her unconscious state. They noticed that Kirana now have dark blue pupil-less, mirror-like eyes because of her injuries from the fight against Lady Shade.

"Kirana?" Ariana said.

"Hey, guys." Kirana smiled, floating on the water with a raspy tone in her voice.

"Kirana, you're back!" Talia beamed, hugging her older sister tightly.

"It's okay, Talia." Kirana said, struggling to break free from her youngest sister's tight hug. "Take it easy. Let me go."

"We're just so glad you're okay." Ezra smiled. "We were so worried about you."

"I'm okay, Ezra." Kirana smiled back.

"Let's get you out of here." Camilla said.

Camilla and Talia lifted Kirana up out of the pool and carried her downstairs to the living room as they placed their oldest sister carefully on a chair. Ariana looked her oldest sister and took out her equipment, pressing it on the blue mage kunoichi's chest while analyzing Kirana's physical condition. She was now wearing a blue tight-fitting, one-piece qipao patterned with an emerald green dragon and black foot wraps on her feet. Her body was completely healed from her injuries, but unfortunately her left arm and right leg has turned into shapeless water tentacles.

"So we've been here for three months? I've been out that long?" Kirana asked astonishingly.

"You had us worried sick, Kirana." Coral said. "Camilla barely slept."

"That was nothing." Camilla said with a scoff.

"Ezra was working on a healing spell from his father's studies trying to heal you." Norbit added.

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