Samara and Destroy

Start from the beginning

"Uh-oh." Ariana gulped.

Suddenly, several bursts of colorful light came flying out of Ariana's lab and began flying around the fortress to hit everything in plain sight, which had immediately caught the other four mage's attention as they watched the blasts heading in their direction.

"Hit the deck!" Talia yelled.

Kirana, Talia, and Ezra jumped over the couch as they quickly conjured up a magic force field to protect themselves. Camilla was searching for a place to avoid the blasts, but she noticed that Samson was looking scared on the couch in the opening.

"SAMSON!" Camilla screamed.

Camilla ran as fast as she could and successfully caught Samson from the incoming blast, causing them to roll across the floor into the kitchen together. Samson meowed happily on Camilla's stomach, making Camilla smile in relief as she patted her cat on the head.

"Okay, I totally did not see that coming!" Ariana coughed as she walked out of her lab. "Everyone okay?"

Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra moved out from their hiding spots as they looked around to find the entire living room a total mess.

"Uh, duh!" Camilla snapped, moving straight into Ariana's face. "We're not okay!"

"What's going on here?" Sage demanded as she entered the living room.

"Easy, Mother." Camilla explained in a heat of anger. "Ariana almost blew us up...again! Also, she nearly hurt Samson!"

"Camilla, I'm really sorry." Ariana apologized. "I know how much Samson means to you, but..."

"Zip it! Your apology won't work on me this time!" Camilla snapped as she walked past Ariana and retrieved the mutagen canister in her hands. "I'm holding this for safekeeping until the mad scientist is ready to work on real progress!"

"What?! Camilla, be reasonable!" Ariana said. "That's my last container of mutagen, you know!"

But Camilla ignored her younger sister's logical reasons as she locked herself in her room.


Inside Camilla's room, it had bright red wallpaper and lots of red-colored furniture with a hint of neo goth style.

"This is pointless." Camilla grumbled. "We should be out there fighting crime and finding more mutagen, but all they would to do is to sit around and play silly games. You understand me, don't you, Samson?"

Samson meowed in agreement on his bed and Camilla collapsed onto her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I wish I was on my own." Camilla said with a sigh. "I'm so sick and tired of this team."

Camilla's alone time didn't last long when Talia opened the door cautiously.

"Uh, Camilla? You still mad?" Talia spoke.

"What do you want, Talia?" Camilla demanded.

"Mother wants you to help us clean up the living room." Talia replied.

"Not a chance!" Camilla snapped as she got up from her bed. "Let Ariana clean up her own stupid mess!"

"Well, if you want to tell mom that, feel free to tell her." Talia countered.

"Fine, I will tell her that." Camilla said as she pushed Talia away from the door and stormed out of the room.

After Camilla slammed the door behind her, the mutagen canister fell over the guitar case and the ooze inside began to pool out on the floor. Samson stared down at the mutagen and became interested in it with curiosity.

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