Battle For New York (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"The main question is, what chemicals did you use to help develop the rapid cellular bonding?" Ariana asked desperately as she looked back at Talia.

"Uh, I believe that I added a bunch of stuff like uranate, anolite, uh, moronic acid, and some, oh, sand dust?" Talia replied with a sheepish shrug.

"Nope. Still got the same clueless Talia." Camilla said as she rolled her eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me! You did one awesome thing in my life and you have no clue how you did it?!" Ariana snapped shockingly.

"Ariana, be glad that Talia's work yielded the gift that it did." Sage scolded gently as she gazed at the clear blue night sky from the magic window. "Focus on the goal at hand. You must find all of the transformed people of New York and change them back."

"But, mother, we don't even know what happened to them." Kirana pointed out. "I can't even sense their auras anymore."

"They have been taken to Dimension X by the Kraang." Sage responded softly. "I can see them through my supernatural sense, millions of mutated humans trapped there."

"Guess we have a field trip to Dimension X." Ezra said.

"So, all we have to do is drop in to TCRI, break into their portal, and zap ourselves to Dimension X." Camilla said as she was cracking her knuckles twice.

"Yeah, we can do this! We can save New York!" Talia squealed.

"And I know the perfect invention for us to storm Dimension X!" Ariana grinned.


Meanwhile, the mages arrived at the same location that Ariana told them and stared skeptically at the nothingness on the building rooftop.

"An invisible creation of nothingness?" Kirana questioned slowly as she crossed her arms over her chest. "That's your new invention?"

Camilla, Talia, and Ezra laughed out loud for their sister's so-called perfect work, making glare at them.

"Wow, you definitely have ruined mage kind around the world, Ariana." Camilla teased. "Great work."

"Don't let the emptiness fool you." Ariana said with a deadpan glare. "I've worked my butt off to create it."

"Wait, do you guys hear that?" Kirana asked.

The K-5 immediately ran to the sound of firing and screaming from below. They peeked down to watch the five masked turtles fighting against a bunch of Kraang droids, but they could see that the Turtles are totally outnumbered by the large amount of Kraang droids.

"Looks like they could use some help." Ezra said firmly. "Let's go."

The K-5 summoned out their weapons and jumped down from the rooftop to land right between the Kraang droids and the Turtles.

"Hey, Vee!" Ezra smiled.

"Hey, boys!" Ariana, Talia, and Camilla smiled as they looked at the masked turtles over their shoulders.

"We came to help." Kirana said.

The K-5 charged forward to fight against the alien droids, leaving the Turtles watching the battle in awe. Kirana's tessen enveloped in bright blue to release a large wave of blue energy at the charging Kraang droids and gracefully slashes the next charging Kraang droids multiple times with blue energy strikes. Ariana's spear enveloped in bright purple to release a wave of purple energy and swiftly fired purple arrow-like blasts of energy at the incoming Kraang droids. Ezra's shield enveloped in bright teal to release a wave of teal energy at a group of incoming Kraangdroids and knocked them down with a couple of teal energy balls. Talia's whips enveloped in bright orange to send out two waves of orange energy that created a powerful explosion to the small group of Kraang droids and rapidly released several powerful orange energy slashes at the next group of Kraang droids. Camilla's gauntlets enveloped in bright red energy to blast them off her hands like strong rockets at the firing Kraang droids and fiercely delivered a fast combination of powerful punches at the weaponized Kraang droids.

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