A Fierce Dagger

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Ariana rolled her eyes and groaned in annoyance.


Outside, the three mage kunoichis and one mage ninja engaged themselves in a little forest ninja training. But Ariana and Talia are failing miserably since they keep on bumping into trees and Camilla kept beating them up without a problem. Ezra was training perfectly and blocking Camilla's every strike at him. Up on a small hill, Kirana came by and stood next to the tree to watch the whole training session with a pleasing smile.

"Come on girls, we're not in the city anymore." Ezra grinned. "We need to get used to this new environment. No buildings, no subways. But there are a lot of trees."

"Ugh, don't remind me." Talia groaned as she and Ariana laid on the grass in pain.

"Well, what do you think?" Camilla asked, turning to her older sister.

"Hmmm, mage hunt." Kirana said.

"Mage hunt." Camilla said with a sly grin.

"Mage hunt?!" Ariana, Talia, and Ezra asked shockingly as they quickly got up behind Camilla. "Are you crazy?"

"You wanna join, Kirana?" Camilla asked.

"Yeah." Kirana said eagerly. But unfortunately, the painful injuries coming from her liquefying left arm and right leg made her decline with a groan. "Sorry. I guess I'm still not up to it. Enjoy your little hunt, guys."

"It'll heal, Kirana." Ezra encouraged. "Don't worry."

Kirana gave a smile to Ezra and walked back to the house. When Kirana went back to the house, Camilla turned back to her younger siblings with her game face.

"Okay, I'll give you three a five-minute head start into the forest, and then I hunt you down." Camilla explained. "If you can't stay hidden for at least an hour, you'll have to wash Aunt Coral's imp pets."

"No way! Not the imps, man!" Talia cried.

"They get rough when it comes to bath time! We can't wash them!" Ariana whimpered.

"Then, get moving." Camilla grinned slyly.

"Challenge accepted." Ezra smirked before he ran away in the woods.

With quick speed, Ariana and Talia ran away from Camilla and into the woods to follow Ezra.


Ariana, Talia, and Ezra hurried themselves through the trees, but they couldn't find a spot to hide because of all the tall trees.

"How do we hide in the woods, anyway?" Talia asked as she was sounding out of breath.

"We could climb a tree." Ezra suggested, looking up at the nearby tree with a pointing finger.

"That's the first place she's gonna look." Talia said.

"But we got to hide now!" Ariana shouted sternly.

Ariana, Talia, and Ezra quickly climbed up a tree to hide from Camilla.

"Aw, we are so washing those imps." Ariana's sighed desperately. "Camilla's gonna find us up here in, like, five seconds."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Talia said, looking up with her voice shaking in fear.

"Why?" Ezra asked.

"Because of him!" Talia screamed.

Ariana and Ezra looked up and gasped in fear. Two mage kunoichis and one mage ninja are staring at a teenage male android, who was staring down at them with an angry expression on a tree branch above them. He has a tall and lean frame with broad shoulders and clearly defined muscles. He has fair skin with green circuitry stripes all over him, jade green eyes, blond hair in a cowlick style, and enlarged arms. He wore a black sleeveless bodysuit with a gold utility belt and golden combat boots.

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