Attack of the Mega Shade!

Start from the beginning

"Well, it does have stealth mode action." Talia added with a smile. She touched her orange earrings and then she was completely out of sight in seconds. "Wicked."

"Best. Invention. Ever." Kirana said slowly.

"Oh, hey girls, I found something today that you're all gonna love." Ezra said as he went to the box on the table.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia went to the box as Ezra opened it and they looked inside to find five heart pillows. Kirana picked up the blue pillow that had her name stitched on in emerald green thread, Camilla picked up the red pillow that had her name stitched on in kelly green thread, Ariana picked up the purple pillow that had her name stitched on in olive green thread, Talia picked up the orange pillow that had her name stitched on in lime green thread, and Ezra picked up the teal pillow that had his name stitched on in sea green thread.

"Pillows?!" Talia smiled.

"And they have our names on them!" Ariana gasped in delight.

"They're so soft too!" Camilla smiled.

"Ezra, these are amazing!" Kirana smiled. "How did you get these?"

"I was walking on the streets and I found a pillow store." Ezra explained. "I had enough money to buy those pillows and the lady who runs it stitched your names on them."

"This is very nice." Talia said. "Thank you."

"What would we do without you." Kirana added.

The K-5 smiled at each other.


Outside, the K-5 leapt from rooftops to rooftops until they finally made their way to the Shadow Clan building in camouflage mode.

"Remember the plan: we break into Shade's lair, steal one of those mind collars for Ariana, and save Kuro." Kirana reminded.

"Doesn't sound too hard." Talia said.

The K-5 finally stood on the edge of the building right in front of Lady Shade's lair. They observed the Shadow Droids, who are guarding the front doors from below.

"Ready, Talia?" Ariana asked Talia.

"You know I am." Talia smiled.

Talia slowly summoned her whip and wrapped the Shadow Clan tight, sending them flying to the road ground and destroyed them without problem. The mages exchanged smiles as the earrings had proven surprisingly effective against the evil clan robots.

"Let's go." Kirana said. "Now let's head for Viral's lab and get that mind collar."


Inside the Shadow Clan building, the K-5 snuck inside the secret chamber room and hid on top of the large dragon statue.

"We're almost to the lab." Ezra whispered to his older sisters.

"We're definitely gonna make it this time." Talia whispered hopefully.

The K-5 quietly hopped down to the ground and sprinted themselves to the lab entrance, but Camilla got hit to the wall by a pink lightning-like energy blast. Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra looked to the person who attacked their red mage sister and it was Jinx!

"Oh, how marvelous! We got five mage trespassers up in here!" Jinx smiled.

"Surprise, ladies and gentleman!" Crystallia grinned as she walked into the room next to Jinx. "This time, we won't let you get to the wolf boy!"

"Five mages versus two complete morons." Kirana smirked as she and her younger siblings summoned out their weapons in their own fighting stances. "We totally got this."

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