Return To New York

Start from the beginning

"New York, here we come." Talia said.

The engines revved in the Magnolia Cycles and the K-5 drove out of the opening portal. Coral, San, and Mūn let out one more goodbye wave as they watched the siblings disappeared from the closing portal.


By the time the sun has sunken below the horizon, the K-5 had arrived a few distances from the gates of New York City until they halted their cycles for a second as they remained silent upon the looming city entrance.

"Home." Ezra sighed.

"All right, guys." Kirana spoke. "First, we track down mother. Then we hunt for Kuro and free the city."

Camilla, Talia, and Ezra nodded their heads in agreement while Ariana pulled out purple futuristic binoculars from her Magnolia Cycle to observe the city gates.

"We park at the gate and sneak in. Then we split up and search for mother." Kirana added.

"Uh, that might be a problem." Ariana said, lowering her binoculars down from her eyes. "There are several soldiers having the city quarantined from entering inside."

"Norbit, stay hidden." Ezra said to his robot friend.

"Okay, Ezra." Norbit said.

"Oh, man! They're not gonna get us! It's game over for us, man!" Talia panicked.

Camilla rolled her eyes and hit Talia in the head. Then, Ariana looked through her binoculars and noticed something when she saw a tiny blinking device attached on the back of the human soldiers' necks from view.

"Wait a minute!" Ariana exclaimed. "Those soldiers have Kraang mind control devices on them. The Kraang got the control of them."

"Then, we have no choice." Kirana said firmly. "Let's crash this party."

"Now this I'm going to enjoy." Camilla smirked.

"Girls, strap in!" Ezra added. "We're making our own entrance."

The K-5 floored the gas pedals on the Magnolia Cycles and they launched forward to ram through the gates. They finally entered back in New York City and immediately parked their cycles in the dark alley without being seen.

"Look what's happen to our city." Ezra gasped as he, his sisters, and his robot friend looked around.

"There is Macey's school." Norbit said as he saw the abandoned elementary school.

"And there's our school." Ezra sighed as he saw his damaged school.

Ariana activated her scanner from her Magnolia Cycle and began scanning for the citizens inside the city.

"Um, where are all the people? You think the Kraang mutated everyone?" Camilla wondered.

"According to my scanner, I only detect a few hundred people left in the entire city." Ariana said curiously. "But they're gone. Very strange."

"One good thing. We haven't run into any Kraang." Talia said optimistically.

Suddenly, a group of Kraang soldiers stepped into the alley.

"Me and my big mouth." Talia whimpered.

"It is the ones known as the K-5." A Kraang droid said to the Kraang soldiers.

"Let's lock and load, ladies and gentleman." Kirana said.

The K-5 took out their weapons out from their birthmarks and charged forward to attack the Kraang droids, who began firing their laser guns at them. Kirana twirled rapidly around with her twin tessen glowed in blue energy and outstretched at high speeds like a spinning top to damage the Kraang droids that entered her attack radius. Ariana stabbed her spear into the ground and unleashed a large purple energy quake with massive strength to knock down the incoming Kraang droids. Ezra rode on his shield to knock down at Kraang droids and jumped up to fire teal energy balls at five Kraang droids. Camilla caught the Kraang droids with a brutally fast combination of red energized gauntlet punches. And Talia grabbed the last Kraang droids with her whips and smashed them mercilessly into the ground. The K-5 revved their engines and made their escape out of the alley to the empty streets.

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