Thë Whitë Taišša

Start from the beginning

"I told ya someone was watching us!" Talia cried as she and the others summoned their magic.

"Glad I wasn't the only one." Alatar commented.

Camilla charged forward to strike one of the werewolf demons with her red psychic energized punches, but the werewolf demon jumped out of the way and spun its claws into drills to attack the red mage kunoichi. Ariana began unleashing purple blasts of psychic energy at the werewolf demon, but the flaming creature dodged the blasts with fast speed and stood behind Ariana to strike her with its claws. But Ariana turned around and managed to knock the werewolf demon out with huge purple beams of psychic energy. Ezra fired teal energy balls at the werewolf creature, but the flaming creature dodged each energy ball and pounced on the teal mage ninja to pin him down. Suddenly, a purple blast of psychic energy hit the flaming creature to release Ezra and the teal mage ninja got up to see that Ariana had saved him with a smile.

"Thanks, Ari." Ezra said with a thumbs up.

"Happy to help." Ariana nodded.

Kirana, Talia, Marisa, and Alatar were trying to protect Taissa and Harry, who were hiding behind a medium-sized skull in fear. But one of the werewolf demons appeared above the mage children.

"Oh no you don't!" Kirana cried.

Kirana jumped up in the air and began swinging blades of bright blue energy at the werewolf demon. But another werewolf demon swiped Kirana away with its claws that sent her flying to the other mages. As the entire werewolf demons stepped close towards Taissa, she narrowed her glowing black eyes and black telekinetic energies started spreading across every square inch of the werewolf demons as her magic was destroying them off in a terrific explosion with a sweep of her hands.

She levitated herself from the medium-sized skull and then collapsed backward with a weak moan, but she was caught in Kirana's arms.

"I got you." Kirana said.

"Thank you, Kirana." Taissa said.

But one last werewolf creature came flying towards the two mages.

"Look out!" Harry cried as he held out his hands and a sudden blast of yellow psychic energy came out from his hands to hit the flaming creature to knock it off the edge.

Kirana set Taissa on her feet as Marisa, Alatar, Ariana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra joined them. Harry looked at his hands in surprise and smiled with excitement.

"I did it! I did it! I did it!" Harry cheered.

"See, I knew you could do it." Ezra said with a smile.

"Now that you've got your powers unlocked, they need a bit of time to be truly awakened." Alatar said. "Once we reach the temple pyramid, they will be unlocked."

"Alright!" Harry said. "But what were those things?"

"Let me guess. Your daddy's pets?" Camilla asked Taissa.

"His minions from his creation." Taissa answered. "He will send more to capture me."

"Then, we must keep moving." Marisa said.

Marisa walked forward as the K-5, Taissa, Alatar, and Harry followed the weather mage.


As the mages exited out of the boneyard, they saw an old ivory pyramid structure in the distance.

"The Pyramid Temple." Marisa said. "We've finally made it. We must keep moving before Slade heads there first."

"She's right." Alatar agreed. "Laquinn could also be there if we don't make it."

Alatar, Harry, Camilla, Talia, Ezra, and Ariana walked ahead while Taissa stood her place and looked down at the ground with a frown that caught Kirana's attention.

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