Race With The Demon!

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"More like he ran into us! Over and over." Casey grumbled as he punched the palm of his hand. "We gotta get back out there and teach that guy a lesson!"

"Casey, it's not worth it." April said, setting down the grocery bags on the table. "Just be glad we're all okay."

"April's right, Casey." Ariana agreed, bringing the last grocery bags in the farmhouse.

"Yeah, we're..ugh...mostly okay." Donnie winced. "I got shell-lash trying to save all the food."

Then, April gently massaged Donnie's neck to soothe the pain. Ariana could tell that the purple masked ninja turtle immediately was grinning at Casey and watched Casey grumbling as he kicked the couch in anger from the corner of her eye. Ariana rolled her eyes in annoyance and walked out of the house. Vee felt pain on her neck that caused Ezra to notice. He gently massaged Vee's neck, making her pain go away and smiled in relief.


Outside, Ariana was walking down to the forest for some fresh air. She can't stand the tense rivalry between Donnie and Casey all because of their feelings for April. She does feel bad for April because of it, but she's somewhat jealous of the fact that Casey has romantic feelings for her best friend. Ariana even remembered soultouching Donnie when they met when saving April's dad, Kirby, and the two shared a lot of things in common, but she wasn't entirely sure if she wants to move on with him.

Then, her sudden thoughts were interrupted when her eyes caught the sight of the most awesome vehicle she has ever seen. Ariana ran over to examine a purple open class superbike lying against the tree, but it was dented and broken. Ariana grinned widely as she decided to give this bike an upgrade.

Ariana walked back into the barn with the superbike just in time to see Casey continuing to work on the old truck with Donnie's assistance while insulting each other again. But she doesn't have time for that as she was pushing the superbike into the barn and placed it against the wall.

"Hey, Don, may I borrow your tools?" Ariana asked as she was interrupting the argument.

"Sure, why?" Donnie said.

"Because I'm upgrading this superbike." Ariana replied.

The word "superbike" caught Donnie and Casey's attention. They turned around to see the purple superbike lying against the wall. It was the most awesome vehicle they've ever seen.

"How...when...where...?" Casey stuttered.

"I've found it lying against the tree, so I want to hook it up." Ariana explained. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to upgrade this baby up."

Few minutes later, Ariana have finished upgrading the superbike with a proud smile.

"Let's take you out for a test drive!" Ariana thought.


Outside, four girls and one boy were standing on a stretch of highway alongside the cliff side. Ariana was sitting on her superbike with Ezra sitting behind her. April and Talia were impressed on the superbike's engine while Camilla was deeply amazed of the upgrades. Ariana asked Ezra if he wanted to join, which he replied yes.

"You ready, Ariana?" Camilla asked.

"I'm ready." Ariana replied as she placed her feet on the pedals.

"You good, bro?" Camilla asked.

"I'm fine." Ezra replied as he held onto his sister tightly but not too tight.

"On my mark." April said as she was holding the stopwatch in her hand. "Get set..."

"Go!" Talia shouted.

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