The K-5 and Norbit looked at the screen when the credits appeared with wide-eyed faces.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Talia smiled widely.

Kirana walked up behind Sage and saw her mother meditating right in front of the family shrine inside the dojo. She knew her mother had been acting strange for the past few days. Not even her aura sense can find out the problem. Ezra hid behind the wall as he listened to the conversation of his eldest sister and adoptive mother.

"Mother?" Kirana spoke.

"Yes, Kirana?" Sage responded as she opened her eyes and turned her head to her oldest daughter.

"I've noticed you have been distant from the past few days. You've been meditating non-stop and not had any time to sleep. Are you alright?" Kirana asked with a concern face.

"Kirana, please. Let's not talk about me for now." Sage said as she levitated up on her feet and moved towards Kirana. "Let's talk about you. Do you know why I made you leader of this team?"

"Well, yeah, because I asked." Kirana answered. "You also said it wasn't because of my skills nor my magic."

"Well, not exactly." Sage explained. "When you were a little girl, I knew you would one day grow up to be the leader of this team just like your father and when I pass on to be like a mother as well to be at his side."

"Pass on? Wait, what are you talking about, mother?" Kirana questioned confusingly.

"Kirana, I can only gave one piece of wisdom that will remain with you forever. Remember, giving guidance to your siblings and friends doesn't always come from here." Sage continued as she tapped Kirana's head with her finger and then pointed her palm to Kirana's heart. "It comes from here."

"But you're fine, mother." Kirana said. "Is there something else you're not telling me."

Suddenly, Kirana and Sage turned around to see Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra walking in the dojo.

"Hey, we're gonna get ready to go visit Kuro at the Amazons' crib." Talia said with a smile.

"You should come too, mother." Camilla said with a grin.

"Agreed." Sage answered as she walked away with Camilla, Ariana, and Talia. "I do need to get out of the fortress more often."

Kirana looked at Sage in a mix of concern and worry as she pondered over what her mother has said to her.

Ezra was about to follow his family, but he stopped as he noticed something wooden buried next to the bamboo tree. Curiously, he walked over to the tree and dug up a wooden box from the dirt. He opened the box and spotted an old letter. He pulled it out to open it and read it with surprised eyes to find out the letter was to him from his father; Dastren!

"Dear, Ezra." Dastren's voice echoed. "Being your father is the best thing about my life. But sometimes a job like that for a sorcerer can be dangerous. I'm in trouble and I'm afraid I won't be around for much longer. I need you to know that I am always with you, even if you can't see me. I promise we will meet again, but for now, my future vision detected a family that will be yours and they will both love and cherish you. No matter what may happen to either one of us, I will always love you. Love, Dad."

Ezra stared at the letter with tears in his eyes and quickly wiped them away with his hand. Kirana walked over to her younger brother and saw the letter. She frowned and kneeled down to his level before she put a hand on his shoulder.

"You know, your dad's not wrong." Kirana said. "We will always love and cherish you. He will always be with you in your heart forever."

"Thanks, K." Ezra smiled, sadly. "Now, don't we have a party to get to?"

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