The Lab of Mosaic

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"No fair!" Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra groaned.

"I'm sorry, K-5. But Domino, Rosetta, and I need you five in the main room immediately." Valina spoke from the intercom.


The K-5 immediately exited out the hologram simulation room and entered into the ship's main room.

"What is it, Captain?" Kirana asked.

"I have received a message from the Cristallum mothership." Valina explained. "Erin told me that one of the Witches Six had stolen the first talisman from them and we must retrieve it back."

Valina placed a button on the control panel and a holographic image popped up in the center of the room. The image showed a light blue spherical ship sitting at the center of a giant black star-shaped spaceship. A profile information of the spaceship had popped up on the screen that caught everyone's attention.

"This is Aqua's spaceship. She's known as a scientific researcher with the power over ice and nano robots on her victims." Valina stated.

"So, I believe our best point is the ship's air lock." Kirana said. "We can take the Galaxy Boards to sneak aboard."

"Also, I'm certain that the first talisman of the Cosmo Escalation weapon is being stored in Aqua's main storage." Valina added calmly. "Norbit, Rosetta, and Domino will remain on the ship with me and monitor your progress."

"Works for me." Rosetta said.

"Sure, I'm on it." Domino said with a nod.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra gathered together in a huddle circle.

"Alright, girls, Operation Infiltrate Witch Ship is a go." Ezra said to his sisters.


The K-5 exited out of the Nexus and headed over to the giant spaceship in their jetboard vehicles. They had managed to get to the ship with no problem at all.

"We're at the air lock, Valina." Ezra said to his space visor.

"It's somehow unguarded, but you five must remain cautious." Valina said from the mages' space visors.

"Relax, Valina. We're kunoichis and a ninja. Trust me, we can handle this." Talia said reassuringly.

The K-5 carefully leaned backwards to decelerate their boards for landing in an act of camouflage and they hopped off their boards to sneak inside the ship.


Inside the spaceship, the K-5 took a peek around the ship interior and walked down a winding hallway in stealth mode.

"Okay, we're in, Captain." Kirana said through her space visor. "Which way should we go?"

"You five should lead down that hallway and you'll find the armory." Valina instructed.

"You know, this will be much easier than encountering more crazy aliens." Talia said with a smile.

But Talia spoke too soon when she and her siblings are suddenly confronted by two tall robots, who are standing emotionlessly in front of them. They have blue metal skin with ten steel blue removable speaker-like components attached to their bodies, longer arms and legs, and stumped feet.

"Aw, dang." Camilla groaned.

"Heh, spoke too soon." Talia chuckled nervously.

The robots released the disks from their bodies and the disks were levitating in front of the five mages in a circle.

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