"Whoa, he knows us?" Ezra questioned.

"Through numerous time portals, I've finally found you." The boy said. "The Legendary Mages. My master will not believe this."

"Us? Legendary?" Camilla snorted. "I really don't know what you're talking about, but nobody even knows about our mage existence yet."

"True, but they eventually will." The boy stated. "I came from the future and the five of you are super famous. Meeting you is way better than meeting anyone else I've ever met in my life."

"Let me get thing straight." Ariana said skeptically. "You're from the future and we're famous enough to be in history books? You seriously expect us to believe that?"

"Of course. You saved the world. Countless times. And even your great-grand..." The boy replied. He quickly covered his mouth. "Sorry, I can't give away too much information. But yeah, everything I said is true."

"Cool! High-five!" Ariana said excitedly to Kirana and Camilla.

Kirana, Camilla, and Ariana gave each other high-fives, but Ezra was shocked about the future while Talia was too focused on the time mage.

"Girls, think about this as something totally crazy!" Ezra shouted.

"Hey, there." Talia said with a flirty tone as she moved closer to the boy. "The name's Talia. What's your name?"

"My name's Dashiell and I'm a mage Time Master from the 25th century." The boy introduced himself. "Well, assistant Time Master in training."

Talia swooned as her eyes stared dreamily at Dashiell until Camilla rudely pushed her youngest sister away and confronted the time mystic.

"Alright, get to the point, Time Boy." Camilla demanded. "If you're really from the future, prove it."

"Oh, of course. The only reason I came here because I was being followed by an evil mage freak from the future who wants to control all of time and history." Dashiell explained.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Kirana asked in disbelief.

Suddenly, everyone looked up to see another white diamond-shaped acrylic mirror opening in the sky and watched a female mage mutant walking out. She has long navy blue hair that reached down her ankles, sea green eyes, and light green skin. She wore a full black bodysuit that covered her torso and legs with navy blue sleeves that covered her hands and sea green knee-high boots.

"That's her." Dashiell said. "Saskia McTavish."

Saskia observed her surroundings on the rooftop ground.

"How pathetic. Now, why would you pick the early 21st century?" Saskia questioned. She noticed that the five mages summoned out their weapons in their offensive stance. "Ah, of course. The Legendary Mages. But without their full and true potential they have in the future, they can't defeat me." Her voice became threatening. "Now hand over the Temporal Staff and I may let you live."

"Guys, let's welcome this freak in New York-style!" Kirana ordered.

The K-5 charged forward to attack, but Saskia summoned a sea green protective shield to block the incoming attacks and the shield splits itself into five strong sea green energy streams that shot toward the K-5.

"Give it to me, boy." Saskia hissed as she moved closer to Dashiell.

"Not this time!" Dashiell said.

Dashiell aimed the Temporal Staff at Saskia and shot a beam of indigo energy from the crystalline flower, sending the demon mage mutant flying and screaming into the time portal that was opening up from that attack.

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