"Now!" Kirana called.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra jumped to capture the creature, but Fuketsuna started crawling around that forced Talia to fly into the wall. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra immediately ducked down to watch their orange mage sister groan in pain. Ariana sculpted a large fist from the ground to attack Fuketsuna, but the creature avoided the fist and crawled away as the fist started following after its movements by the purple mage kunoichi's command. Camilla extended her hands upwards to conjure a large ball of fire and then threw it at the creature. Fuketsuna dodged the attack and slithered past both Ariana and Camilla, causing the earthly fist to hit into the two mages and threw them on top of Talia. Ezra conjured a set of arrows made of lightning and shot them at the creature. Fuketsuna avoided the arrows and knocked Ezra down to his sisters. Kirana swiftly summoned a stream of big bubbles from her hands at the creature multiple times, but Fuketsuna started charging forward to the blue mage kunoichi while avoiding the stream at the same time. Fuketsuna jumped above Kirana and attached itself on her face. As Kirana was trying to get the creature off, Fuketsuna bit Kirana's neck sharply and suddenly fell dead to the ground.

"Uh, what just happen?" Ezra asked as he and his three older sisters got up from the floor.

"I don't know." Talia said. "Ariana?"

"Fuketsuna just died when it did something to Kirana." Ariana said.

"Yeah. It bit me on the neck." Kirana said as she showed a white inner spiral mark to her siblings. "It stings so bad."

"Let me see." Ariana said as she walked over to Kirana for a closer look on the mark. "That's strange. Normally, Fuketsuna never died instantly after biting their enemies. How do you feel, Kirana?"

"Still feeling burn, but I'll be fine." Kirana replied.

"Are you sure?" Talia said. She started to move closer to Kirana. "Because it looks pretty nasty."

"Don't touch me!" Kirana snapped with a glare.

Talia stepped back away from Kirana. Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra looked at each other, knowing that something's really odd about Kirana's sudden behavior.

"Kirana, are you alright?" Camilla asked in a worried tone. "'Usually unmotivated bursts of anger is normally my job."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I really need to lay down." Kirana said calmly. "Let's go home."

With that, Kirana walked towards the opening portal she conjured up to the wall. Talia, Ezra, Camilla, and Ariana stared at Kirana with worried eyes as they followed after their oldest sister.


In the Crete Fortress, four mages took Kirana into the lab as Ariana stared closely at the mark on Kirana's neck. Camilla and Talia leaned against the lab door while Ezra stood by the table to watch Ariana examining Kirana's neck.

"Fascinating." Ariana breathed with a smile. "Truly fascianting. Who knew the Fuketsuna are evolving in this century?"

Ariana conjured up a scalpel in her hand, causing Kirana's eyes to widen wide in alert.

"Wait a minute! What are you think you're doing?" Kirana shouted.

"Dissecting your scar." Ariana answered simply.

"Absolutely not!" Kirana snapped as she pushed Ariana away from her. "I'm gonna mediate on this problem that way I'll figure out the effect faster."

Out of the corner of her eyes, Ariana detected white inner veins surging slowly from the mark on Kirana's neck.

"Okay, okay." Ariana said with a shrug. "I'll leave you alone."

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