🕷(42) Tracksuit Draculas

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Brooklyn POV-

Investigating the crime network of Queens had not taken nearly as long as she'd expected

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Investigating the crime network of Queens had not taken nearly as long as she'd expected. Finding the information she'd been searching for took even less time than Brook had estimated when she'd retuned back home.

A decade ago, criminals were different, they preferred stealth and animosity above all else. It was the way Brooklyn was taught to be after all. But once superheroes started popping up all over the place, the teen had noticed a pattern change.

Heroes were big, bright, and in some ways, celebrities of the world. This caused villains to get a little bolder, to crave that attention for themselves, to try and take out the mighty powers of the world with large and quite obvious moves.

It was like the Broadway plays Tanya often spoke of, people in costumes flamboyantly addressing an audience with purpose. People like the famous Joker, Magneto, even Ultron...they preferred the act of the crime rather than the crime itself.

Such extravagance in the crime world of today was abhorrent, but tonight, it would work in her favor after all....

There was a well known crime group in the city of Queens, one who mostly focused on bank robberies and even a few large scale crimes in company buildings down in Manhattan.

Normally, Brooklyn would have to go through the trouble of finding one of these members and torture him until he gave up the base of operations. But since villains were so idiotic now a days, she'd been able to find their base in minutes at the comfort of her own home.

At the end of every crime, the group would leave back a symbol as a means to calm the crime for themselves. It was nothing incredible, just two triangles, one atop the other. Had the cops of the city been smarter, they would've done what Brooklyn did, and searched the symbol differently.

Funny enough, there was a match for the symbol, but not with the two triangles atop one another, but side by side. It was the symbol of a nearby establishment, the Amadeus Nightclub.

From her research, Brooklyn was able to calculate that despite their good business, they still shouldn't be able to afford any of the expensive luxuries the nightclub offered. That paired with the little criminal background found on SHIELD files from the owner, it was safe to say that place was the secret establishment for the Queen's crime gang known as the 'Tracksuit Draculas".

Why she cared? Recently, they had been leaving messy crime scenes with scorch marks on the walls, and dust all over the place, dust Brooklyn recognized from the day she and Happy were attacked. 

That was not dust, but bodies reduced to nothing by the use of illegal alien weapons.

So while the police continued to scratch their heads, Brooklyn was already planning to infiltrate. This would be a true waste of her advanced espionage skills of course, she was trained for things bigger than small gang infiltrations...

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