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Brooklyn POV-

Four weeks ago when Brook had met Tony Stark for the first time, she would've never imagined  standing by his side in a giant floating ship.

SHIELD had been a pain in her ass these past few weeks, that was for sure, but there were times when Director Fury actually managed to surprise her.

Despite the fact that she had homework to finish and decathlon practice flashcards to make, Brook had been greeted at the front of the Academy building by none of the than the director and his three favorite agents. Agent Coulson, Hill, and Adonis.

They'd mentioned today's training exercises would be different form the usual sparing, team work development, and espionage classes. Instead, Brooklyn would be learning how to handle situations and protocols for SHIELD missions.

Since the Avengers were doing a routine helicarrier safety training, Brooklyn would be joining them to acquire that knowledge herself. 

Brooklyn had been sure those helicarrier machines had been destroyed, the news had boosted about it long ago at least. Apparently, the existence of the remaining machine was only possible thanks to the Theta Protocol led by Phil Coulson. 

It was an operation located at the Theta Protocol Facility once housed in D.C. to secretly repair Helicarrier No. 64 so that in case of a grave world emergency, it could be recommissioned. Now as an agent in training, Brooklyn had to learn how to work inside it in case of an emergency.

At fist that hadn't seemed all that fun....until they went down to the basement of the academy building and Brooklyn beheld a machine identical to those that had destroyed the SHIELD base in Washington D.C. 

They looked just as majestic as she'd imagined them to be!

When the teen had beheld the enormous flying structure that had been stored under the forest surrounding the compound this whole time, the girl had actually gawked for a few minutes until Stark appeared and offered to head up with her.

"Your grandfather actually helped design these" Tony had said, "but I perfected them of course"

"Am I expected to contribute as well?" Brooklyn joked, "Because I'm thinking we could add a bit more color or you know, implement some of the rising nano tech to create more efficient systems with less weight as well as adaptive abilities"

Stark put an arm around her shoulders, "Everyday that passes I'm even more sure you're my kid"

Steve had descended down the steps with a gave her way as Brook replied, "Don't be so appalled, I'm learning about nano tech in my Engineering class. I'm sure the vibranium technology rising from Wakanda would be of even more help"

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