🕷(9) Us Spiders Have to Stick Together

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Brooklyn POV-

Brook was comfortably lounging on the couch, taking a sip out a disgusting protein filled drink she'd found in the fridge. She was staring up into the ceiling, thinking of one thing only.

Whoever designed the layout of this place was a genius! 

That thought process was attributed to the fact that there was a 'small' kitchen just steps away from the large living room made to accommodate all the Avengers. 

Good thing too. Though she felt much better from her injuries, walking was still uncomfortable, like trying to sit through an episode of Riverdale.

Said heavenly kitchen had become Brooklyn's company for the past few hours, providing the only thing that could make her feel as good as the pain meds Dr. Banner had been supplying her.


Of course that was only thanks to Miss America.

Ever since Steve Rogers gave Brook a surprised visit, he insisted she not spend so much time alone in that room. He even went as far as to apologize that she wasn't in the actual med bay, since it had been damaged when those weapon thieving fools attacked this place.

It was odd to have someone care about her comforts. Rogers had even gone as far as to CARRY her to one of the spare rooms so she'd be more comfortable now that her meds were done. He'd even given her a temporary change of clothes, courtesy of Miss Maximoff.

Apparently, Maximoff was only three years older than Brook, but she was one of the members with a tracker on her ankle. A criminal at such a young age, but the only one who's clothes would fit her. She'd tried on some of sestra's clothes, but Brook was far too short for them to fit properly. 

Another thing the assassin found out since leaving the temporary med bay, was that this so called Wanda loved to rock a 'grungier' look. Out of all the clothing options Rogers had brought, most of them were a black ensemble. Skirts, tight holed jeans, tank tops, and loose sweaters. 

Of course the tank tops were out of the question, Brooklyn had always avoided those like the plague unless she was by herself. But now she was imprisoned in a building full of Avengers, letting more of them see the scars of her past would be another mistake to add on to the mess of yesterday.

As Brook had shuffled through the high quality options, one thing stood out amongst the others.

The most color there had been among Wanda's wardrobe was a plain grey sweater, one which  Brook had opted to wear to accommodate her injury and scars. Paired along with a black skater skirt and some high socks of the same color, Brooklyn looked very different from usual, as if all color she'd harbored these years had been leeched out of her.. 

Her normal clothing choices were mostly due to her past, as all things were. 

Now, as she stared up that the chandelier covered ceiling, Brook thought back to the times in Red Room when she'd only owned two identical articles of clothing that changed only in size as the years went by.  Brooklyn didn't miss the loose black jumpsuit, it was depressing and seeing it on everyone became annoying quickly. Seeing them covered in blood wasn't much of an improvement either.

The only bit of color she'd been allowed as a child was her red hair, which they couldn't take away...thankfully.

Once she gained her freedom, Brook invested quite a bit of her money on colorful clothes to brighten up her dark past. They where mostly cheap ones she could find at thrift stores, but the more color, the better. 

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