🕷(72) Manhattan Bridge

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Damian POV-

Why couldn't the stupid SHIELD agent drive faster?

Damian's head had been a whirlwind of chaos and disorder since he'd gotten the text from Parker...since he'd left dinner with Pennyworth in a panicked hurry. 

Nothing was right. 

Everything was wrong and all Damian wanted to do is go back outside into the rain and scream.

He'd once promised Brooklyn he'd come to save her, that he would never let the Red Room get their hands on her. Now here he was, in a military van full of racks of weapons, stuck with Belova, Jon, and Parker as they left in hopes of retrieving more than a dead body.

Damian had to believe Ivan viewed one of his assassins as something more than traitorous flesh, that the man would think to keep her alive and that agent Johansen had been right about there being a large labyrinth of pipes under the East River.

It made him angry to think of his beloved in their hands, but it pissed him off more pondering on the possibility that she was dead instead. The Wayne could not let himself believe he had failed his friend...not now as they rushed past the heavy traffic towards her.

Damian had never been one to believe in hope, he liked hard facts, believed things like luck were ridiculous to begin with. But there was a strong panic inside him now, like a beast inside his mind that roared in anger and something else he couldn't quite understand.

The only thing that stopped it from doing any damage was that flicker of hope, the wish that his Brooklyn was still alive somewhere, holding on and giving those shits that captured her absolute hell.

She was a fighter just like Damian, he had to believe she would defy everything at a moment like this, perhaps even death itself.

The ride was long, and it got to the point that the Wayne couldn't help but snap at the others when they whispered grievances and regrets. Like they thought Brooklyn was dead.

Jon had been forced to lake a few pieces of metal and fasten them like cuffs, preventing Damian from bolting out of his seat again to attack Parker or Belova. Still Damian thrashed and tested the metal for weaknesses, ignoring the looks of pity from Jon as he tried to get free, to do what? He had no clue.

His last conversation with Brooklyn had haunted him since he saw the state of her home.

It was early in the morning when Damian had been in his room doing homework with the company of Titus and Alfred the cat. Brooklyn had opened the line via their walkie-talkies then, and the Wayne, as always, had been quick to answer.

'What is it beloved?' Damian asked, turning over to the next page of his history reading on the battle of New York against Loki.

On the other end of the line, Brooklyn laughed.

'Our families just left for their missions, I was curious how you were doing' she said.

How was he doing? Well, he was annoyed for starters for not being able to go on the big mission. But at least that meant his weird siblings wouldn't be speaking in code around him, as if to rub in the fact that they could actually go.

'Father mentioned they won't be back till Monday, Pennyworth suggested we go to Paris for some new paints to try and make up for the fact I did not get to go, like a child that needs a  pacifying prize' Damian replied annoyedly, even when the concept of new paints was not the worst thing in the world.

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