🕷(2) The 'Kind' Offer

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Brooklyn POV-

At the end of the week, after Friday classes ended and she'd been forced to take her obligatory day off work so she could rest, Brook made her way back home at a reasonable hour for once. 

Surprisingly, it wasn't raining that day, so the school's light uniform wasn't that bothersome. 

All in all, it had been a great day.

The school pep rally had been a bust, so she was able to go back to class early. She aced her calculus test, and got to pet a cute little dog on her way back her flat.

With a skip in her step, Brook tapped the beat of her music against the books in hand. To further improve her mood, she'd also bought some food after school, and the marvelous scent of her Defonte's sandwiches was making her mouth water in anticipation.

Once she was back in her designated street block, a few of the residents of her building were exiting the place, likely going out to eat across the bridge. She couldn't help but wondered which of those families inside the building had gotten the fancy car Brook had seen out in the parking lot on her way over.

Maybe one of the neighbors from the tenth floor? They seemed to gave quite a bit of money, at least enough to wear golden watches and silk shirts. 

But that had been a bright yellow Audi R8. Even those brats couldn't afford that right? Then again, this was the city of Brooklyn. Someone could have easily stolen it.

When the teen opened the door to her flat, Brook decided she'd admire the beautiful car further from the comfort of her home, no matter whose it was. It was a rare sight of beauty, and luckily, the window of her living room had a perfect view of the parking lot down below.

That was the plan for the afternoon then. Sandwiches. Couch. Audi.

Still singing along to he upbeat song, Brook practically threw her jacket on the rack, and with perhaps too much enthusiasm, she thew her school bag and books on the dining table and went to her bedroom to change into a simple black dress still swaying her hips to the music from her headphones.

The only object of hers Brook actually bothered to be careful with were her heavenly sandwiches. Things sent from up above should be treated with care after all.

Finally bothering to take off her headphones, Brook set her carefully wrapped food on a plastic plate, wiped her lipstick off with a complementary napkin, and happily made her way to the beautifully worn out couch for some 'me time'.

Then, she dropped the plate of heavenly food like it was nothing. 

She did so only because a person was lazy lounging on her couch, only his short brown hair was visible until he was suddenly turned to face her, tilting his yellow shades down with a smirk.

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