🕷(87) An Anchor

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Brooklyn POV-

The next morning was the start of an already bleak Sunday in her eyes, and the passing of the days without any progress was starting to get at Brooklyn.

She woke up with a sigh of desperation, almost choosing to remain in bed and just call it quits from the begging. Still, she showered, fished out an outfit that wasn't ruined, and went about her shortened morning routine until a knock came at her door.

This time, it wasn't the professor, Kitty, or Mr. Summers here to escort her, but a little boy Brooklyn didn't recognize.

He was dressed in a heavy blue jacket, with two books in hand that looked to be for casual reading. The sight almost reminded Brooklyn of MJ, made her miss all her friends and family all the more.

"Hi!" he peeped shyly, "I'm Frank, the professor asked me to take you to the garden today"

Frank? As in Frank Richards? Son of Reed?

Brooklyn smiled at the 'familiar' face, even if the two had never been acquainted.

"I would hardly call it a garden anymore", Brooklyn mused while she grabbed a set of extra clothes for when she inevitably burned through the ones she wore, "I burnt most of it"

Frank did not seem concerned of her fire, perhaps fearful of interacting with Brooklyn, but he seemed like a shy kid to begin with.

"If it makes you feel any better, students have done worst to it. Rumor has it that Mr. Summers, our geometry/leadership and tactics teacher, cut down every tree with his laser vision when he first came here. And my friend Denis produced so much electricity that he cut down the power in all the city for three days" Frank said, stuttering as he spoke.

He guided Brooklyn in silence back to where she dreaded to go, but he'd occasionally point out the uses of classrooms or teachers he favored (which was all of them). 

Despite being ashy kid, he seemed to have quite a few friends, everyone knew him by name though.

When they made it to the dreaded outdoors, Brooklyn almost didn't want to let him go, he was such a sweet kid, and even though he was a mutant, she found he was nice company.

Still, Frank had classes to get to, and the professor was already waiting in the middle of the scotched field, ready to see Brooklyn fail once again. 


After bidding farewell to the kid, Brooklyn walked up, only to find there was a new man with the professor today.

He looked angry, too strong for his own good. A threat in Brooklyn's mind.

"This is Logan, he's a history teacher and an old friend" the professor said, wheeling his chair closer to Brooklyn. The teen was already looking to Jean with dread, waiting for the woman to take off the bracelets, only to see the Stark wasn't the only one with her gaze there.

Logan was looking at Jean too, with that look Jon gave Yelena, and the one Harry had when the school served chicken nuggets at lunch. 

Now, Brook was no gossip, she hadn't interacted with many people to know much anyways, but she knew for a fact Jean and Scott Summers had some sort of relationship, and now she casually found out there was more to the story, possibly involving this so called Logan.

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