🕷(76) Peculiar Thanksgiving

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Tony Stark POV-

This was Brook's first Thanksgiving, and it had to be absolutely perfect. 

In fact, it would be so perfect, even Charlie Brown would be jealous!

After the party in Cali yesterday, Tony had spent the entire flight back home making sure all would be ready at the compound for the celebration.

Peter had already made sure his aunt would come, and Tony got permission from Fury to let Scott's and Clint's family to come this year. By request of Natasha and Brooklyn, he'd also had to relent in inviting Yelena Belova to the event.

There was something terrifying about seeing all three Black Widows in one room sometimes, but Tony knew by now that Yelena at least had some heart, she'd helped get rid of the bomb at Midtown after all.

It came as quite the surprise when Fury mentioned he'd show up though. The eye patch wonder usually kept to himself during the holidays, like he was a grumpy grinch allergic to fun. 

Despite that, Tony was adamant about making sure his new children would have the family Thanksgiving he'd always wished to have as a kid.

When he was younger and his parents were still alive, Tony's parents often took him to lavish celebrations, or went off on secret SHIELD business all together. The Stark couldn't count the amount on holidays spent only in the company of Aunt Peggy or his nanny.

This would be different though, he would be a good father.

Despite the threats from alien weapons and a Pennywise reject, Tony made sure everyone had the day off, that they could wake up early to watch the Thanksgiving parade on TV. Brooklyn had admitted that morning the she'd never watched one, so as they all enjoyed Rogers' pancakes as they watched the parade go by.

Every smile from both Brooklyn and Harley had been like a treasure worth more than any amount of money in his bank account.

When Avengers themed float went about, they all chuckled, but it was once all the food was finished, and all the family guests started arriving, that the fun really began.

Instead of watching a football game, they all went out to the large Avengers compound field to play a few games of their own. Tony was surprised to see Brooklyn so relaxed, but even more so when she didn't look like she'd wanted to kill anyone in the field.

Pepper had once been concerned that with the close call with Harley Quinn, that perhaps Brooklyn's recently learned control would falter, but Tony knew better. He'd seen his kid use all the restraint in the world to be in a romantic play with a Wayne, as far as Tony was concerned, his daughter had gone through one of the hardest imaginable scenarios and though it had likely been unbearable, she'd handled it like a pro.

That did not stop the three widows from teaming up under Natasha's instruction. Every time they rushed at the other team like a ferocious pack, Vision was the only one who did not cower.

Eight deflated footballs later, Tony's team had come out victorious. Though he'd bragged to everyone that it had been his leadership that brought the win home, he knew it had been Natasha's determination that had played a big part. But just as they'd promised to Pepper, no enhanced abilities or technology were used. It had been a clean game with a clean victory.

Though usual Stark tradition for this holiday normally called for sitting by the bar and drinking enough alcohol to pass out, Tony decided to scrap that self-made step that had only come in once his family had died. Instead, since he was really short on acceptable traditions, the billionaire turned to the other team members for advice.

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