🕷(93) Winter Break

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Brooklyn POV-

Midtown High was still a very strange place, one full of the weirdest traditions.

Today was the last day before winter break, and as per tradition, the school let the students host a 'get together' after hours. In a way, the promise of the semesterly party seemed to be the only thing motivating the tired and panicked students through the final week of testing.

Now, standing before her locker, Brooklyn too sighed in relief that the week was over at last. None of her tests had given her pause, and she was certain she'd passed the half of the school year with perfect marks, but she was exhausted beyond belief....enough so that a party almost seemed unthinkable.

But in a way...she and her friends had earned it.

Though still busy with patrols (and company work in Damian and Brooklyn's case), she and the others had studied day and night for these exams. Everyone had helped one another study, even Harry had put his animosity for Damian aside so the Wayne could help the brunet with math and latin.

Peter, Brook, and Jon had  stayed in her apartment last night studying till sunrise for their Spanish exam, and Harry had been there too for some chemistry studying as well between lab partners.

Damian, Harry, and Tanya had actually taken to reviewing their Latin at the lunch table, which mostly consisted of Damian actually performing perfect sentences while the other two struggled to scramble proper words in return. Sometimes, Damian would hit Harry in the head with a celery stick until Harry produced proper sentences. 

It looked cruel...but it worked.

Tanya and Brook had actually met two days ago, staying at the cheerleader's favorite coffee shop till midnight to go over all the books they had read in literature, with MJ as their very knowable mentor, letting Brook in on the book she'd missed because of her late admission into the year.

As for History, Brooklyn and Damian had been planning to meet up to study, using it as an excuse to just be themselves for a while. Unfortunately, both their families had been at home more often with their missions lessening, so they'd had to quiz one another during patrols, during a mission, or after school.

Brooklyn had even been able to help Harley with a few classes too, staying up with him via video call some nights to help him with his German and basic math. Her kid brother was very smart though, he barely needed the assistance, so it became a chance for the two to talk and get to know one another better.

Once the announcement from the office declared test results were ready, Brooklyn barely had time to look for her friends as the stampede of students rushed over to the tables before the office. Brook had to wait patiently a few minutes until an office lady handed over her envelope of test results.

As promised, Brooklyn went over to Peter's locker where her friends slowly gathered, Damian and MJ being the last ones to come, clutching their own letters in hand.

Despite the exhaustion, and the animosity between Harry and Damian, they all gathered in a circle, and as one opened their envelopes to reveal the grades within.

The first to jump up in excitement was Tanya as she shouted, "I passed all my classes! Oh my god! Yes! Just wait till I shown mom and dad, they'll definitely buy me those concert tickets and next year around this time, we'll all be having the time of our lives watching Green Day! Raven's gonna love it!"

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