🕷(34) The messenger

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Brooklyn POV-

After a decent meal, Brooklyn was led along the room by her father and Pepper.

Now that the reporters and cameras were gone, it seemed everyone was a little more at ease when they spoke. That wasn't to say that the wealth of America was any different from earlier.

Most of the people Brook spoke to were interested in very little, more focused on the future than the eminent present. 

Unlike the Richards couple, others weren't as humble, but some were outright odd.

For instance, a man she'd just dance with was named Kyle Richmond, CEO of Richmond Enterprises (shocker right?), who had spent most of his time talking to Brooklyn about the state of the world rather than company business.

His friend, the only notable mutant in the room, had been a center of attention for Brook. His massive white wings were tucked in the back of his suit, and despite the many mixed gazes from the people around him, the man seemed at ease.

Brooklyn had only met a handful of mutants, some of which she hadn't even been certain contained any form of a mutation. In this era of the world, that particular topic was sensitive for many, so Brook tried her best to ignore the wings as he approached the Starks.

The winged man had introduced himself as Warren Worthington III of Worthington industries (another great shocker). But the introduction had only been for her benefit, because Tony and Pepper greeted him fondly in an instant.

When the mention of this so called Xavier's school was brought up again, the second time in one night, Brooklyn grew more curious about it. Apparently, the blond man before her had been a student at this mutant school, and he was also very good friends with Wanda Maximoff.

It was through the conversation with this man that Brooklyn learned some interesting facts. The most prominent being that Stark Industries was a strong supporter of mutant rights, a place that had hired humans and mutants these past years with no segregation.

Mr. Worthington had been quite pleased to hear so, and even told Brooklyn that she should go visit Xavier's at some point, saying some professor would be happy to meet Tony Stark's daughter.

"Do you not like mutants?" Pepper whispered once the man was gone.

Brooklyn shook her head, "Its not that I don't like them. I'm not one of the fanatics who wants them dead or anything. I've just not met that many of them in my life, and they make my...old instincts...nervous. I don't know where I would stand against them in a fight"

Stark laughed, "I guess that makes sense"

"Still, "Brooklyn added, fixing the jewelry on her wrists, "I'm glad Stark Industries is giving people a chance. I guess its not their fault that they are what they are"

Just like Brook. She hadn't wanted to be an assassin, but she'd been turned into one nonetheless.

The girl then added, "Besides, Wanda is alright I suppose. I've grown used to her magic"

Pepper and Tony paused they walking. 

"Wanda isn't a mutant" Pepper pointed out, "Hydra gave her those abilities, her brother had some too"

Wanda had a brother!?

When Stark beheld her wide eyes, he added "You saw all thats stuff about the magic glow stick of density Loki had?"

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