🕷(15) Captain America Fitness Challenge

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Brooklyn POV-

"I don't think this is fair" Brooklyn complained, sinking into her chair further as she faced down the principal, "Flash was bullying another student, for once in my life I did the righteous thing"

The principal, a middle aged man named Jim Morita, was shaking his head, threading his fingers together for the third time since she'd been in this office. A nervous tick of his.

"Even if you didn't hit them, all the students saw the altercation Miss Stark. If I don't give you some sort of punishment, they will think that taking part in fights is acceptable"

What kind of half assed logic was that?! 

It was her first day of class, and already she was getting in trouble, and was late to class! 

This was unbelievable...

"Then what do you suggest my punishment should be, Mr. Morita?" Brooklyn asked. 

As someone who had to sit in Ivan's office as a child, this wasn't the leas bit terrifying, so she focused on trying to placate the principal by going along to his stupidity rather than call him out on it.

The man sighed, rolling his chair over to a cabinet, sorting through the papers until he came across what he was looking for. 

Sliding the paper over to her, Brook read the bold title.

 Midtown High School Academic Decathlon Team.

Sensing her confusion, the asian man smiled kindly at her for the first time since their rushed meeting, "You will serve detention after school today, that is non negotiable as your punishment for Flash's injuries. That will keep you and me from trouble with his parents"

Brook fought the urge to scoff, but nodded obediently. Detention for a small scar...fine.

"Since you are very public image, we need to take care of how this gets resolved, Miss Stark. I propose you join the Decathlon team. With your grades, you would be a very beneficial member of the team, plus you have some experience from your old school"

"So what you're saying is that you won't give me a worse punishment that will make both of us look bad in exchange for some 'community service' to help the school?"

The principal nodded.

"Our decathlon team is the best in the country, I think you will find being among them to be a rewarding experience. It's managed by Mr. Harrington and led by a great student, Miss Jones. It also hosts its own news cast at school"

At first, Brooklyn was startled, thinking the Miss Jones referred to Brooklyn. Then she remembered that she was no longer Brooklyn Jones, but only a Stark in this man's eyes. At least she didn't have to lead any team..

But being forced to join a decathlon team again....wow how rewarding. 

Not only was Brooklyn being blackmailed into being an Avenger and SHIELD agent, but now, this man was blackmailing her into joining a decathlon team! Did Brook have ANY backbone left from her assassin training days!?

She was trained to twist a person's words to get information, had been taught how to appear pleasant to get what she wanted, yet she'd done none of that lately. 

This was such bullshit.

What Brook should do is jump over the table and strangle the man with his hideous lime colored tie. But how much trouble would that cause? Not enough to be worth it, that was for sure.

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