🕷(40) Punishment

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Brooklyn and Damian POV-

The door of the office shut harshly behind them, enough to rattle the walls of the small room. Neither of them dared to speak, not until the principal sat down on the other side of the desk. 

Though Damian had only met the man before him once, that meeting had been filled with more enthusiasm than he deemed necessary.

When Brook had met him, it had been under similar circumstances as these, awaiting trial for the stupidest of things.

Principal Morita glared down at the two teens, slamming his hand on the wooden table once in a fit of rage. Even the ladies past the blinds of the windows in the room seemed to flinch from where they were seated peacefully on their desks.

"What is wrong with you two!? My staff found you two fighting! Fighting! This is a school, not a WWE arena!" The man yelled, just loud enough that both students were both certain everyone outside in the main office could hear, "You have already been part of two altercations since your arrival Miss Stark, the first I was willing to be lenient on since you were standing up for a student. And you Mr. Wayne, this is also you second offense, the first in the locker rooms was only overlooked because many students claimed you were harassed first"

The man leaned back on his chair with a huff, massaging his temples and his receding hairline.

"I understand you families don't exactly get along" he said, bringing his voice down a few octaves, "But that does not grant you the ability of starting a fight! Especially since you two are some of the the brightest students in school, I expected better from you both"

Brooklyn wanted to argue that it had hardly been a fight, clearly both of them had been holding back their real skills. Had she truly committed to killing Damian...well, she wasn't entirely sure she would've won, not after that fight, but the teen next to her would've certainly walked out it with more than just a few bruises and a scrape on his arm.

That had been merciful, especially after all he'd said.

Damian clearly had more years of training than Brook, had honed those throughout the past few years. The happenings of today only made Brooklyn want to ask Natasha to expand on the Red Room skills she'd not gotten to learn, just to be a fully skilled Widow. She'd certainly need it if the Wayne beside her chose to pick another fight.

Meanwhile, Damian couldn't believe someone had stood up against him so well. Sure, he'd won the battle, but he might as well have lost the war. His previous belief that he was far more skilled than anyone else not just of his age group, but above that, was completely shattered.

He too ignored the disappointment from the principal, it meant nothing really, Mr. Morita was inconsequential and his opinions were invalid to someone like Damian. Instead, his mind wandered to what he could do to enhance his skills further as well.

It wasn't until the principal spoke up again that both teens almost dropped their jaws on the floor.

"I have every right to expel you two" Morita said, holding up a hand to signal both kids to shut it, "I could kick you out of this school on disciplinary misconduct and the school board wouldn't be able to do a thing. But you two are so much better than this, your teachers constantly tell me that you two are set for bright futures by academical standards"

"So are getting another punishment like my first one?" Brook asked, "Do we have to join the cheer team this time?"

The principal leaned further back against his chair, arms across his chest as his smile grew confidently.

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