🕷(39) That's it Wayne!

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Brooklyn POV-

Just like Brooklyn, the weather was teetering along a rope of uncertainty like her emotions  emotions. One day, the weather was unbearably cold, the next, it was sunny enough for shorts and skirts to be worn comfortably.

It had been three days. Only three, and Brook was already starting to loose her mind and strength of will.

On one hand, she'd been trying to keep as far away from Damian so she wouldn't end up killing him, but throughout the day, his unavoidable presence and banter almost made her loose control on more than one occasion.

It seemed that he too tried to use his father's approach to the Stark-Wayne conflict by being as rude to her as possible. That was fine most of the time, Brooklyn was used to insults from the Red Room and even from her time working at the diner to be able to block most of it out.

Thing was, Damian Wayne wasn't just insulting her, he was doing it in the most effective way possible, with the truth. 

Just yesterday during a very boring history lesson on the history of Atlantis, Damian had knocked down her pencil from the table. When she'd taken his and thrown it on the floor as payback, he'd claimed it had been an accident on his part...that she shouldn't be such a temperamental brat.

Yes, she had a temper. Fury loved to remind her of that every day of training, but that fact that he used that flaw against her, it took everything in her self restraint not to stab him with her pencil.

The day prior to that, during lunch, Brook had noticed Damian Wayne frowning at his chicken nuggets, shoving them Jon's way, who gladly took the food and stuffed it into his mouth.

"What's wrong Wayne? Is the cafeteria food not good enough for your high tastes?" she'd asked.

Damian had given her the most exasperated expression, shouting back to her side of the table, "I'm a vegetarian, in case your little brain doesn't know what that is, it means I don't eat meat"

"Of course I know what it means, I just never expected someone of your nature to actually care about cruelty" she'd snapped back, a subtle jab at his assassin secret, but it had been in vain.

Damian had looked her in the eye, expression blank as her replied, "Yet here I sit, a vegetarian, while you're the one who seems to be crueler than me, murderous even"

Brook had wanted nothing more than to climb atop the table and tackle the teen into a death grip, but there were teachers around the cafeteria, and too many eyes around them, eagerly watching yet another banter from the two.

So she'd reigned in her instincts, remembered the conversation she'd had with her dad on Tuesday. 

He'd come back from his mission early, had interrupted Brook's training just to talk to her about the news of a Wayne at her school.

When she'd explained all that had happened so far, including her volleyball victory, the fun little nickname for the young Wayne, and even his affiliation with the League of Assassins, Tony actually had to sit down on one of the benches of the hallway.

His first reaction was actually pride.

"You called him Dami?" Brook nodded, "You are an absolute genius, a Stark without a doubt. The books said I should discourage you from fights with other kids, but I couldn't be prouder that you kicked his ass like that"

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