🕷(86) Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

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Brook POV-

Brooklyn had been holding all her near non-existent faith in the little metal bracelets that Princess Shuri had made for her. Though they had kept her from combusting during the plane ride to the compound and throughout the car ride to the school, the teen still felt exposed.

The cold from the vibranium bracelets was uncomfortable, kept her skin relatively cold to the touch, granted it wasn't like that all the time so it wouldn't kill her...but it was still a sensation to grow used to. They worked to cool her body somehow, pumping some cooling material into her body, and had enough safety measures that they would not come off easily.

But the worry of burning something was still there...

Well, at least Stark Industries got the green light to start business with Wakanda after the Stark Expo, which was a small victory that Brooklyn wasn't sure was worth the state she was in now, neither was the little 'Wakandan Medal of Honor' dropped off on her bed back at her apartment for saving a princess' life.

Right now she was on her way to an unknown place full of mutants because of that sacrifice.

Brooklyn wasn't allowed to bring weapons to this unknown place, devices to contact her loved ones...nothing of value to take on whatever she might face. 

Wanda swore during he whole ride that Brooklyn would love that place as much as she had, but she was also in love with Brooklyn's robotic sibling so...

When Grandpa Steve finally came across a gate after driving though a forest-like 'winter land' ambiance for hours, Brooklyn was able to read the plaque that appeared once the large gates opened to let the red 1955 Pontiac Bonneville (Steve was such an old man) pass through.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York

So she was still in New York then, less than an hour away from Queens. 

Good to know in case of a needed escape...

Steve did not hesitate to drive forward into this unknown place, and Brooklyn couldn't help but clutch her golden necklace tightly as she beheld the place she'd be staying at for a few days, and if she was lucky, maybe just one.

When Brook was told she'd be going to a secret mutant school, she'd been expecting something smaller than Midtown, maybe run down and hidden in the foliage of a forest...but this was nothing like what she'd imagined.

A castle, thats what this place was, a towering building that would probably belong in that Downton Abbey show Happy loved so much. 

The grass, bushes, everything the car passed was trimmed and elegant, and once Steve pulled over by the entrance, Brooklyn could see the signs of life through the many windows of the building.

This place was huge...how had no one found it yet through a satellite? Yes, it was isolated, but how had no one wondered what a building this big was for?

"How many students go to this school?" Brooklyn asked the two people in the front seats.

"I was told there were only a handful when the school was established in the late 30s" Wanda said as she smiled at the school out her window fondly, "Now there are hundreds from all around the country. Most of the teachers are part of the X-men"

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