🕷(8) Natasha's Advice

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Tony Stark POV-

It had been a day, A FULL DAY,  since Tony found out he had daughter, and he still didn't know what to do with that information. He'd debated going down to the temporary med bay to see Brooklyn, but every time he grew near its doors, he knew nothing would come of it. At least nothing useful.

Tony's whole world had been turned upside-down, and Pepper wasn't here to help him through it. In her defense, that was also his fault.

Now, sitting alone in his lab, Tony was trying to focus on analyzing these weapons while FRIDAY worked on a new security protocol. That should've been enough to keep his mind running, but thoughts of the girl downstairs made him worry from time to time.

She'd almost killed herself yesterday, and then almost got shot to death not many hours later. That's now his first hours as a father had gone, even if he'd just thought her a stranger at the time. Every time Tony dared to think on that, his stomach churned inexplicably, and he felt almost lightheaded.

When he'd expressed his emotions to Bruce, while he nursed a bottle of brandy, Tony's friend wasn't much help. He said Tony and Brook were too alike but with very different approaches to things.

Too stubborn. Too Snarky. Hurt.

Even if that were true, Bruce couldn't find a way to resolve any of it. He just suggested to give her time, and to give himself time as well to process what he wanted to do. Fat load of useless help that was.

Natasha, it seemed, had a completely different approach to this issue. 

Fury just had to tell all the Avengers the news yesterday...

His friend walked into the lab in her usual workout clothes, black shorts and a loose tank top. If this were a few years back, he might have stared with interest at her sweaty form. But not since Pepper came along. Never would he look at a woman like that unless it was her.

Unaware of his inner conflict about his daughter, the Russian sat on the stool before him, eyeing the bottle of whiskey he'd chosen for today. Without saying a word, she served herself a chuckles length of the beverage and drank it without a flinch. Show off.

Reluctantly, unable to hold back his questions, Tony found himself asking, "How is she?"

Natasha shrugged, twirling the amber liquid before her while looking at him through the rocks glass in hand.

"She's walking alright now, slow and steady. At least the wound closed up nicely, but we want Dr. Cho to patch it up with her machine at some point" Nat said casually, "Kid's tough, she's taking it like a champ"

Brooklyn had to be, if she was from the place that trained Natasha Romanoff. A part of him still didn't understand what that meant. The only other person from that place was Nat, and she never spoke of her past. Ever.

It must not have been a nice place full of rainbows and sunshine, but Tony was having a hard time envisioning what it must have been like. He'd had a more than decent upbringing, with everything but the love of his father. Tony had gotten every toy he could ever hope for, had received the nicest clothes and the best education money could buy. 

But what had his own daughter received? 

"What was the Red Room like?" he asked, throwing caution to the wind even when he knew this sensitive topic could very well get him thrown against the wall, "What was Brooklyn like when you found her?"

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