🕷(57) The Bodyguard

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Brooklyn POV-


Brooklyn was not idiotic enough to complain about extra security after all that happened yesterday. What she hadn't expected was for Happy to arrive at the gates of the apartment complex with a stranger lounging conformably in the passenger's seat.

Even Peter had been a little worried at first, though he did not dare voice it in front of Happy. Brooklyn had no such reservations as she demanded an explanation over the sound of the Downton Abbey soundtrack.

Because of almost being 'killed' yesterday, a SHIELD agent had been assigned to keep and eye on Brook when she was not in the compound or at home. Normally, Brook would've complained over such ridiculous notion, she was an assassin after all and had handled the problem well-ishly.

But despite all its success, yesterday had been a sign, more like a rude wake up call, that the Red Room was after Brook now, bold enough to make themselves known AND to make it very clear that Ivan wanted her back to him alive.

So she dealt with the fact that Adonis, her old trainer and pain in the ass, hand-picked someone of his rank and skills that the Avengers could trust (while they were busy with the Joker) to babysit her. 

That someone happened to be the person in the front seat. 

Agent Johansen, a woman in her early twenties like her old instructor. Unlike Adonis, she seemed kind so far, but took her job very seriously, enough so as to enroll at Midtown as a senior over night in an effort to keep a better eye on Brook...

This so called Claire Johansen was lucky her young features and short stature made the lie passable. But now, Brooklyn was left with a nanny all day long, likely for the rest of the year unless Ivan was caught somehow. 

To further her sense of annoyance, the agent explained on the ride to school that she had purchased a flat not too far from where Peter and Brook lived. If there was ever an issue, no matter how big or small, they were to call her immediately. After both teens reluctantly added them woman to their contacts and agreed to rely on her help, Brook was seriously thinking of taking this up with Fury.

She was Brooklyn Stark! Having a secret babysitter seemed like a bit much. She could've lived with an extra alarm system, maybe some better monitoring around the apartments. But this just seemed like a lot.

When Brook HAD dared suggest Ms Johansen was not needed, the woman kindly reminded Brooklyn that SHIELD wise, she outranked the teen. Only when she surpassed her status would Brooklyn be able to suggest orders.

Happy seemed to be pleased with the extra safety measure, especially since Agent Johansen had also been Pepper's personal guard for a time, something Adonis had no doubt thought would help with Brook's annoyed mood.

Not only was she grounded now, but she'd also be watched like a hawk..perfect.

By the time the car arrived to the school, Brooklyn had practically stomped out of the vehicle, ignoring Happy's smug face while shooting a finger his way. Peter and Claire followed out shortly  after, and like clockwork, Alfred pulled up behind Happy's car as per usual.

The Stark sent a quick wave at Alfred as always, but did not dare step forward in case this Agent reported back to Tony. Looking comfortable around the enemy would only result in more security...

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