🕷(91) Jeep Adventures

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Brooklyn POV-

Though school had set a limit to when they could go out in search for the Joker's next move, once the weekend came, Jon got permission from his dad to stay at Peter's for D&D night and patrols, then Damian told his family he'd be with Jon. Yelena had 'to stay for a school project', so for once the whole gang was together on a weekend.

They'd met up at the park near Brooklyn and Peter's apartments, and when Ned had arrived with police leads and alleged public sightings of the Joker the last weeks, the team split up and got to work to cover as much ground as possible.

Because they would be going to the...less than pleasant parts of Queens, or as Ned called it 'sketch central', the teens were sent out with partners, neither Brook or Damian were willing to risk the safety of anyone for this secret little mission.

Their goal was not to engage if they found the Joker, that was too dangerous for now, but what they could do is figure out how he was getting about undetected, find his allies, things like that while the Justice League and Avengers were busy searching the coast for supposed new shipments of weapons going out.

Since this would be more espionage work than actual fighting, they chose to go about his mission as civilians to not create panic for the already nervous citizens after what happened at the gala and hospital three days ago. 

Each team had 'one fighter' and one 'spy or investigator'

Jon had immediately claimed Yelena, insisting they could take care of searching the subways and transport pathways of the city with his x-ray vision and Yelena's ability to keep them out of sight. 

Peter had originally gone over to Brooklyn as if he wanted to team up with her, but Jon insisted he should go with Ned so the two could use their technological skills to scan the cameras of all the main buildings in Queens, which actually turned out to be a good idea.

That left Brooklyn and Damian with the most fitting job for their skill set, and that was to go to the heart of the drug and crime district and investigate some of the places involving sightings of the Joker himself.

The thing about the crime district was that it was very good at not getting caught for things that were absolutely happening in there, which mean the Avengers or the Justice League couldn't just go in there to arrest everyone.

This had to be an undercover job, and Brooklyn was an exceptional spy, an Damian knew the workings of criminal towns thanks to growing up in the crime city of the world. Because they two were...very known public figures, they'd been the only ones with required disguises.

With plan settled and a rendezvous point established, one group went off to the subway, the other to a cafe near a company with a criminal background, and the last off to the 'black market/illegal leisure' part of Queens.

Damian had brought Roscoe and changed the registration plate just as an added safety bonus for their undercover job.

Brooklyn had a brown wig on, blue contacts under her shades, and because of the cold (but also to seem the least bit like herself) she had a black hoodie and simple jeans with converse that hid little daggers. Damian on the other hand, had taken the disguise part of this to a minimum by wearing a bright blue hoodie he'd never get caught dead wearing, some of Jon's casual jeans, and his shiny black shoes were replaced with some white vans the Wayne kept frowning at.

In a way, they were both unrecognizable when they got into the car and placed the address on Brook's burner phone. When Titus saw her settle down though, he leaned over the back seat to nuzzle his nose on her shoulder, his tail waggling excessively.

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