🕷(22) Finally We Get to Fight!

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Brooklyn POV-

There was no greater joy than seeing Spider-man run into the training room for the next part of her assessment. It certainly lifted her spirits at least.

"Spider-man, you'll take part of the next test, fighting with Brooklyn. All weapons and skills allowed" Fury said, then threw a pointed look Brook's way, "with no killing"

That part was disappointing, but at least she'd get to beat the crap out of the hero she'd grown to resent so much. Maybe later she could recount to Stark how she beat his precious friend, even if Brook had no clue why that seemed so important.

This would be good though!

Brooklyn didn't hesitate to grab a decent wooden staff, almost the length of half her body. She swung it around, testing for its weight, becoming familiar with it. Yes, that would be a decent weapon, if she grabbed something with a sharp end or a gun, the urge to kill Queens' hero might be too much. 

Spider-man was lucky her new....friends...loved him so much, otherwise Brook might have just severely injured him for the fun of it.

The hero himself was not reaching for any weapons, just stood nervously beside Fury.

"Mr. Fury, sir...Are you sure it's a good idea?" Spider-man asked, "I thought fighting with others was something a trainee did down the line"

Brooklyn laughed, "Don't be a coward Queens, since all my new school mates care about you so much I'll only bruise you a little"

Fury laughed then, patting the hero on the back before pushing him next to Brook. He asked Adonis to head to the control panel, then looked both trainees in the eye. 

"Oh, you won't be fighting Spider-man, Miss Stark. You'll be fighting with him"

Brooklyn dropped her staff, turning her gaze between both guys in front of her.

"Are you insane! I'm not fighting along side this idiot! Why would I do that?!" she yelled back, even when Fury began to walk away.

He yelled behind his back, "Here in SHIELD, we do a lot of team work missions, especially those in the Avengers initiative. How are you supposed to become one if you can't even work with one of your future team mates?"

Future teammates! Team work! Was he insane?

Brooklyn thought about challenging the pirate to a spar right now just to shut him up, but beating up a senior citizen would definitely look bad. It didn't help that Fury was right in everything he said, it made sense...but working as a team was not something Brooklyn had been trained to do.

Working alongside her lab partners had been difficult enough, but that didn't require the large amount of trust needed to believe someone had your back in a fight. 

This was life or death, not a simple lab grade on the line.

Besides, she'd be closer to trusting Peter or Harry with fighting along side her than with Spider-man!  Even if those two were simple citizens, she'd rather be around them than this guy!

"Um, maybe we should give it a try" said the hero, handing her the staff she dropped " Wanda and I had to pair up for my assessments once. It's not too bad, I promise"

One look back at Fury made something very clear. Either she teamed up with the hero, or there would be repercussions. It still made Brook want to knock the clipboard out of his hands.

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