Chapter 21: falling apart

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Miller took Clarke and Abby to Polis and they went inside the tower.
“Heda, Wanheda is here” Indra said and Lexa looked confused and nodded her head. “you are early” Lexa said confused. “yeah something is up” Clarke said and Lexa motioned them to sit. “Luna showed up with so many sick kids. The sea water is radiated already. We will probably have black rain soon.” Clarke said. “any good news Clarke?” Lexa sighed. “they all died but Luna” Clarke said. “that’s your good news?” Lexa said in shock. “yes. We think that night blood absorbs radiation” Clarke said. “there are less than 20 night bloods including me. that’s not a good news Clarke” Lexa said. “we can make them” Abby said and Lexa looked at her. “what do you mean?” Lexa said. “Becca made black blood in a lab. With enough information, we can do the same.” Abby said. “and where do you plan to get that information from?” Lexa stood up. “Raven found Becca’s lab.” Clarke said softly and Abby looked at her. Clarke shook her head trying to stop her mom from talking about the flame. “Clarke can we talk alone?” Lexa said and Anya left the room with Abby.
Lexa looked at Clarke. “I know what you are going to say” Clarke said. “it will ruin everything. If all of us have night blood, what will happen to the commanders? The flame. How are we going to adjust new rules?” Lexa said. “I don’t know. All I know and care about right now, is that this can save everyone. At least enough people to save the human race” Clarke said. “Clarke our people have believed in this blood for 97 years. People have died for this.” Lexa said. “what would you have me do then?” Clarke shouted. “everything we do, has consequences” Clarke said with a lower tone. “the coalition will fall apart if people don’t have a commander of the blood” Lexa said. “you will unite them again. Your blood didn’t do this. you did. We can save thousands with this solution. At least let us try. You guys find the bunker, we will try to secure the ark and make night bloods. This is more than our people or your coalition.” Clarke said and looked at Lexa softly and hugged her. “I know what you have lost to keep 13 clans together. I understand you and what you are saying. But we will all die if we don’t use every solution we can” Clarke said softly and Lexa nodded and hugged her tight.

Abby was in Clarke’s room with Anya, Indra and Gaia. Lexa and Clarke entered the room and Abby looked at Lexa. “what do you need?” Lexa said and Abby smiled. “we need to run some tests. We don’t know if Luna will agree to do it.” Abby said. “if you need night blood I can give you my blood” Lexa said and Anya looked at Clarke. “we aren’t going to get your blood Lexa. You need to be strong at the moment” Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. “so you are saying, I should let night blood teenagers do it?” Lexa said and Abby sighed. “you are an honorable woman. I respect you for that. But why don’t you let them know so they can choose to help?” Abby said. “get the night bloods. Aden is with Octavia” Lexa said and Indra nodded her head and left the room.
“is it safe?” Lexa said. “we are going to run some tests to see what we can do.” Abby said. “Becca’s notebook is with Raven. There should be enough information there” Lexa said and Abby nodded. Clarke noticed that Lexa was nervous. The night bloods came in and bowed to Lexa and she nodded her head to them.
“so as you all know a death wave is happening soon. We have reason to believe that one possible solution is having night blood. Abby of the sky people needs night blood for testing. There is no pressure to any of you but it would be a great help if anyone volunteered to go with them” Lexa said and they all looked at her for a second. Aden and 6 others took a step forward. Lexa had tears in her eyes. “we know that the commander wouldn’t ask this of us if it wasn’t necessary. As night bloods it’s our duty to serve whenever needed” Aden said and Lexa nodded sadly. “Aden you don’t have to do this” Clarke said. “I will not let her carry all the pressure on her own. to be a good leader, you need to make sacrifices. I have learned from the best commander in 97 years. I promised my loyalty to 13 clans. Our life is in danger. I am ready to give my life if necessary” Aden said and Lexa sighed. “I won’t let you die. None of you.” Clarke said and caressed his hair. They went out to get ready for departure the next morning.

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